Tuesday, October 11, 2011


aren't you glad we have the internet? i'd probably never actually do any of these things in real life.


Anonymous said...

Haha! I love this!

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

Scary how true this is!!!

Ashlee said...

So true my friend. So, so true. I especially love the Twitter one ;)

Anonymous said...

haha, this made me laugh and think about it. It's true. Help!

Suzy Krause said...

it is. but it's ok, right? i mean, we're all not actually standing on a street corner yelling at strangers. so that's good.

Chess said...

I just wanted to include at the end of the skyscraper analogy, "and yelling, 'carrying the banner!'"

Jamie said...

Hahah, the Facebook one is hilarious!! These are all sooo true. It's funny, the places technology has taken us. Do you every try to imagine where technology will go next? It's crazy to think about.

sarahannnoel said...

Love it. Just do. You're so creative.

Anonymous said...

true dat! Seriously. Hilarious.

larisaa said...

yessss! i love this. most especially the twitter one.

Jen Glen said...

How appropriate. Just finished having a long conversation with J. Middleton about this very thing! My fav is definitely the Facebook one as well.

Hannah Joy said...

Hahaha, so true! You say it perfectly.

Celeste said...

ahhh so much truth in one post.

i actually still like to write real mail but it takes me so long to get the letters to the post office!

Unknown said...

Yep, you summed things up perfectly.

Anonymous said...

this is great! i've gotten so into twitter recently. the internet is definitely a strange place though.

Alison said...

I especially like the one about facebook and twitter. I used to use facebook exclusively to stalk my friends "in relationship" statuses and I still feel like I am yelling at people on twitter rather than networking. You have cool insights on your blog.

Thanks, Alison

Alice Jones said...

These are neat. Your blog always makes me happy.

Che said...

i love this! haha

Lauren said...

This lightening my afternoon! I've linked this post on my 'start your week of with..' monday feature.
