Tuesday, October 25, 2011


i just watched this news report on two girls switched at birth who lived just down the road from one another and only discovered the "mistake" {i feel like there should be a more serious word for something like this} when they were 12 years old because one of the fathers wanted a paternity test.

it's pretty crazy, sure, but the part i don't get is why it took both families 12 years to notice that the white family had this random persian daughter and the persian family down the street had this random white daughter the same age.

i mean, i think at the hospital i would've been all, "say, nurse, do they normally come out a different ethnicity? will she grow into her norwegian-ness or could this baby possibly belong to that black-haired lady over there holding that little blond bundle?"

also, what's the dad doing bringing this up now? was his daughter entering her moody teenage years and he thought he might have better luck with a different one?

bad news for YOU, sir: all of the teenage girls act somewhat like teenage girls. you can't just go around saying people aren't yours because they want to spend too much money all the time and whine about everything.


nova said...

Yeah I bet she was starting to show him a little attitude and he was like "HEY YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAUGHTER"

Anonymous said...

it won't let me watch the video for some reason but that's crazy! Like is that for real?

Anonymous said...

Whoa! I mean seriously...how do you handle a situation like that? It's awkward if you switch the kids to their biological parents, and it's awkward if you leave them with their current parents...you just can't win! Yikers!

Suzy Krause said...

nova: probably exactly.

debbie: oh no! try googling "12 year old girls switched at birth" and see if you can find the video. it's kind of hilarious how obvious it is.

crystal: i know right? they pretty much all have to move in together to avoid any hard feelings...

Anonymous said...

It won't let me watch it either! But I read the story on yahoo! Absolutely crazy! And I think the parents were getting a divorce and the dad thought the mom cheated since the girl looked nothing like them!

MySpecialAgent said...

I read that the one couple was separating and the husband was trying to get out of alimony payments by claiming the daughter wasn't his. It seems like a sad situation to be in. Twelve years is a long time to notice something is "amiss".

Suzy Krause said...

shelby and rabbit: yeah--i read the whole article too. it is SUCH a messy situation in reality.
maybe i shouldn't joke about things like that... :S

Alice Jones said...

Sweet of them to make me sit through a commercial before telling me I can't watch the video. :D

Jamie said...

Wow. That IS a pretty ridiculous situation! I love your thoughts on the whole thing. You should see if you can get in on some of that news report action. =]

Anonymous said...

wow. couldn't watch the video, but saw some pictures...it's painfully obvious. what a crazy story.

anna said...

there is this non-fiction book about these two girls who were in a bus crash together and one of them died and one of them lived and the one that died got put with the one that lived's family and none of the family even realized that until the one that lived came out of her coma and then... i forgot what happens next. but maybe you should read that book. also, my cousin thought that he brought home the wrong baby for the longest time because he didn't look at all like any of his brothers. he does now though. thank heavens.