Saturday, May 28, 2011

{can't talk now}

i am pretty excited right now. electric eel in my ribcage heart palpitation eye twitch caffeine high roller coaster drop excited.

outdoor festival, in the rain, live music, craft booths, odd people, friends, walking around looking at things, food, etcetera and on and so forth. these are the things perfect saturday afternoons are made of. if you're in the area and you know what i'm talking about, i shall see you there. 

and it shall be magical.


Chantelle said...

i think i'd follow you anywhere. :)

(in a friendly, non-stalker kinda way)

Suzy Krause said...

aw garsh. :D

Lydia said...

Well, have fun wherever you are going!

Suzy Krause said...

thanks! i did. it was magic.

JTay said...

This is completely unrelated, but I had to share with you part of my dream last night... So you and Barclay and Chris and Aimee booked a little church and planned back-to-back wedding ceremonies. Yes, you were getting married again. Why? Because Barclay felt he looked too chubby in all of your wedding pictures. Ha ha! I loved waking up and laughing at that one. There were many other weird and funny things, but I shall not share those here.

Suzy Krause said...

haHA justine--i would love to hear the other weird and funny things. that is a very strange dream...made me laugh right out loud. :)

Anonymous said...

And how was your wonderful magical Saturday? Hope it was lovely :)

Suzy Krause said...

it WAS! times four.