Friday, July 22, 2011

{for the bored}

you look bored. you look like this:

like you're in a hazy fog of bored, bored, boredom. 
just reading blogs and clicking the refresh button in your email window over and over again. 
well i've got nothing for you today. i'm not bored, but i'm also not in a bored person helping mood. 
i apologize. 
here: i'll exert myself the teeniest bit and give you another five blogs that i like to read. 

for reading if you like mothers and their babies and who live in colorado and who are genuine and stuff.

for reading if you like mothers who are soon to be mothers of more children than they already have, and who just love harry potter and also take fantastic pictures.

for reading if you like the best music in the world but you need someone else to show you just what that music is and who sings it, and also if you like pretty things but have a hard time finding pretty things for your own self.

for reading if you like hannah. and really, who doesn't?

i know. two blogs. i can't remember which one i found first and they're friends and they're both so dang nice and real. so. for reading if you like nice and real. 


Ed said...

Larissa and Jamie are pretty awesome, I gotta say...

I'm bored too. It's been raining non stop here. That's all I got. :'(

Jen Hammer said...

Holy frick. Your face is seriously stunning. It makes me want to cry, you're just THAT beautiful.

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

lots of blog goodness above! :)

Suzy Krause said...

erin! my google reader is being LAME. i clicked follow on your blog long ago and none of your posts have been showing up in my reader. i shall try again.

jen: ohmygoodness, haha, i don't even know what to say to that. i guess i should make my fried out stoner face more often? thank you for the very very kind words. :)

amylou: inDEED. there are so many good ones all over the internet..

Ed said...

My blogger has been a jerk too. Half the time it says I'm not following any blogs. Derrr...

sarahannnoel said...

Oh WoWWWW. That just made me smile.

I agree with Jen. You are so pretty, pretty, pretty (and I will get more of that face on Monday!).

Suzy Krause said...

erin: what the heck. i feel like we should all get together a write a letter.

sarah: ya monday!!! i'm pumped. :D

larisaa said...

You are the coolest =] <3 We are real life friends so I can pretty much speak for the both of us and say THANKSSSS!!!

M.M.E. said...

Thanks for the awesome blogs! I hope you get un-bored soon!!

Suzy Krause said...

nova, you are most welcome.

larissa: you and jamie are most welcome.

mme: no prob bob. also: i'm not bored. i'm dying my hair pink, purple, and blue.

Jamie said...

1) I am not bored! You know why? Because I've decided to read all your posts from your previous blog from start to end. I've been reading and reading it in my spare time and it's basically my favorite thing. I feel like I'm reading the most awesome book that I never want to put down. Seriously. And by the way, your engagement story is the cutest engagement story I've ever read. AND you are the best story teller I've ever encountered. Yup.

2) You are SO pretty!

3) Here's how it happened. Larissa found "It walked on my pillow" and sometimes we have blog dates at coffee shops and discuss our own blogs and our favorite bloggers blogs. So she's like you HAVE to see this blog because this girl is awesome. So I checked it out and I was hooked ever since. So then I discovered you and I don't ever want to have to stop reading your stories. =] No pressure or anything. ;) Anyway, thanks for the shout out. You're the sweetest.

Suzy Krause said...

aw jamie! that is the sweetest comment of all of the times! :) i'm so glad you found me so i could find you.

amyschmamey said...

Ummmmm you are amazing! Thank you for linking my blog and the description had me chuckling. So funny. :) So even though you weren't in a "bored person helping mood" You did entertain me. ha. P.S. you are beautiful. I have a feeling your hair is all natural and not bottle blonde, which makes you a rarity my suspicion is right... it also means that you could easily play One of those Elves in Lord of the Rings... like Galadriel of Lothlorien... I feel like a super geek saying that, but for reals. You are rather beautiful.

Suzy Krause said...

aw amyschmamey. :) you're so stinkin sweet!! and yeah, it's 100% natural. i'd never dyed it ever, until last night, i got a bit of an itch and dyed the tips purple and blue. :) but thanks. for reals.