Saturday, July 30, 2011


i've been doodling circles lately.
and i want to go to new york. 

sometimes i get an itch. 
sometimes it's an itch to go somewhere {such as the library, or upstairs, or new york}, and sometimes it's an itch to do something {like draw circles, or walk around the block, or listen to that song again}, and sometimes it's an itch that i just literally need to scratch {read: bug bite, annoying clothing tag, poison ivy}.

some itches are more expensive to scratch than others. 

we talk too much
we talk in circles

we set sail
with no fixed star in sight
we drive by
braille and candlelight

true progress means
matching the world to
the vision in our heads
we always change the vision instead

we set sail
with no fixed star in sight
we drive by
braille and candlelight



Anonymous said...

have you ever been bit by a vintage couch bug? they are expensive, rarely seen in real life and itching them is nearly impossible without immediate death.

Chess said...

I've been suffering from wanderlust for years. YEARS.

Anonymous said...

I love doodling!<3

Anonymous said...

This is such a beautiful doodle (or better, piece of art), I love the background colours. I currently have the itch of going to the other part of the world as soon as possible, one of the expensive type I think.

Suzy Krause said...

danielle: i think that if i ever get bit by that bug, we're in big trouble. yikes. though i did get bit by the vintage toaster bug last year.

chess: go somewhere!! me too. new york?

debbie: ME TOO. my fingers need to be busy always, even if it's pointless. it helps my mind focus.

juliette: aw, thank you! it's nailpolish, again. i need to invest in actual paints, i think.

sarahannnoel said...

Don't you think we should have a business meeting in NY?!

MySpecialAgent said...

I have the itch to write a book. A novel. To write something for other people to read. I'm afraid to scratch it, though.

Suzy Krause said...

sarah: YES. absolutely. yes. YES.

lilac rabbit: i have that itch TOO! i think you should definitely scratch it. that one doesn't really ever go away, i don't think.

Jamie said...

That drawing is beautiful! So is this song. =] I really want to go to New York too. I went once when I was young and my memory of it is pretty fuzzy. I want to be in Time Square on New Years Eve at some point in my life!

Suzy Krause said...

mmmhm, i love this song. and thanks. :) and when you go for new year's--TAKE ME WITH.

Kara said...

i just spent entirely too much time looking at your doodle - so many circles! anyway, i've never been to ny before... i would also like to go! and i want to go whale watching in maine!

p.s.- i realized something this weekend, which is probably creepy but whatever. i think you look like Duffy, the singer! my friend put on her video during a youtube sesh and i creepily said ''omg! that looks like a blogger i follow!'' ....embarrasing, when friends don't also blog.

bahahaha! hope you had a great weekend!

Suzy Krause said...

whale watching in maine! yes. i'm there. let's have a blog friends trip and all meet up and do some times square-ing and whale watching.

and don't feel creepy. i talk about the blogs i read alllll the time. i feel like after you read about someone's life for a while, it starts to feel like you've actually met them. haha, and maybe it is creepy, but i'm ok with that. :)

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

My itch has been the traveling bug. I wish I could travel everyday!
But instead I just scratched the "I'm going to listen to the same cd 30 times in a row" itch. I think that one was less expensive.

Why must itches be expensive?

Ashlee said...

I'm also itching to go to New York. Lucky for me, it's on the pre-baby bucket list so we HAVE to do it soon, right?

Suzy Krause said...

amy: hahaha, that itch is pretty cheap--even if you have to buy the cd first! :) i'll probably scratch that itch today. but you're right--the itchiest itches cost the most money...

ashlee: hahah but YOU just got back from a trip!! no fair! :)

Emily Jane said...

My itches always seem to be too expensive to scratch :(

Lovely doodle :)

Suzy Krause said...

thanks emily. :)