Tuesday, August 09, 2011

{chair squeaks: a paper rant}


Something Infinitely Interesting said...

lol funny!

Chess said...

This happens to me all of the time. But usually with people I like, so we laugh about it. Why are you going to dinner with people you don't like in the first place? That's an awfully expensive meal, if you ask me. :)

sarahannnoel said...

Krause's Law is both scientific and correct.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! This is the absolute WORST! And you know how red I can turn, even at the smallest, stupidest things, so this is always REALLY embarrassing for me! Sad day.

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

favorite paper rant ever!

I'm pretty sure that these chairs are actually "transformer chairs" who just like to play pranks on us.

Do you think that's likely?


Meg said...

Thank goodness this unfortunate incident has now been named because it happens to me ALL the time and now I'll just be all awkward and mumble, "damn, krause's law". :)

Love your blog!!

amyschmamey said...

Ha ha ha ha ha THIS IS SO TRUE!!!!! Buuuuuuut! Who will be honest enough to say that they have actually tooted thinking it was going to be silent and it wasn't zither then try to make a similar noise by moving around, dragging their feet, moving anything to make a vaguely similar noise to throw people off??? ... Anyone... ?

anna said...

isn't it just the darndest thing? every time i make an accidental "tooting" noise and then try to recreate it to prove it wasn't a, you know, toot, i never can.
isn't it just the darndest thing.

Jamie said...

Hahahah, so, so true. Freaking awkward situations, anyway.

nova said...

hahaha I always do the "it was the chair!" thing.

kalie brynn. said...

The only thing worse than a sound like that happening is when you CANNOT make it happen again on purpose. I totally know this situation! If this unfortunate dinner situation has recently happened to you, I'm sorry..and if not, well good! Oh my, your paper rants are so great.

Suzy Krause said...

okay good, i love that this has happened to other people. we're all in the same squeaky boat, guys.

Anonymous said...

I was laughing so hard as I read this. So true!

Gale said...

mannn this happens to me all the time LOL.

i love the renovations on your blog! your portrait up in your header there is so cute:P

Suzy Krause said...

aw thanks gale! i get so antsy and need to change things ALL THE TIME. sigh. :)

Ed said...

Yup, I think we've all been there. >:O