Monday, September 19, 2011

{confession: it was just like a movie}


Alivia said...

I should have probably thought "Oh, she's silly."
But what I honestly thought was "I'm going to have to use this...what a good idea."

erin e flynn said...

i think you told me this story! =]

Suzy Krause said...

alivia: it actually worked ok. but the whole thing got very messy when my best friend outed me in front of the guy.
i mean, in front of the awkward situation.

eef: absolutely i did. :)

Anonymous said...

HAHHAHAAH I love this.

Magical Daydream said...

Haha do you mind telling what the situation was? Sounds like an interesting story.. :D

Liz said...

Wow that is awesome. I don't think I'd have the courage to do that, awkward situation or not... :)

Suzy Krause said...

debbie. :)

marielle: i might blog it sometime. haha, it's kind of a funny story. :)

liz: i don't think the word is courage. i think the word is stupidity. you don't have the stupidity to do that. me, i do.

Brandi said...

I can't tell you how many times I've been in an awkward situation and wished I could have used that excuse,sadly I have a horrible poker face and could never get away w/ it.

Suzy Krause said...

brandi: practise in a mirror. you'll get better.

Anonymous said...

Hahahah it's a good idea, I would start laughing immediately. Did they believe you? You're great!

Suzy Krause said...

juliette: yep. until my friend made me drive back and tell the truth. awkward situation = 10 times more awkward when you try to lie your way out.

Jessica said...

That is so awesome, and like alivia, I'm trying to think of ways I might apply this to my own life! Please blog the story sometime!

Jamie said...

Hahaha, you're so awesome. And you do not have the face of a fibber...you could probably get away with anything! =]

Suzy Krause said...

haha jessica: yikes! i don't encourage applying it to your own life! :D

jamie: sometimes i think i could. i accidentally shoplift all the time when i carry something out the door forgetting i have it. the store clerks all smile at me and assume i already paid. then i have to go back an hour later and sheepishly pay for all my stolen items. ...

Suzy Marie said...

Yeah I thought the same as Alivia - I'll have to do this one time haha.

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha oh dear. i'm not trying to make liars of everyone!

Holly Knitlightly said...

Bahahaha I would love to hear the whole story.

Alice Jones said...

My sister is 2 years younger than me but we look quite a lot alike according to most people. Have definitely claimed it was her after being confronted about snobbing someone in the street. She dyed her hair blonde on the weekend though, damnit!

Suzy Krause said...

holly: perhaps. haha, now i'm afraid to share it though because i ran into this guy three days after putting up the post! yikes.

alice: hahaha that's pretty funny.