Thursday, October 06, 2011

{music and rain}

today i woke up and wished it would rain, and then it rained.
that doesn't happen often, but when it does it makes me feel kind of like the queen.
so that was good.

today i have some work to do and a friend to visit with and a piano lesson to teach. but first: sleep.
i am a tired lady.

here's a wee playlist i made for sleeping to:
{you'll have to click through if you're in a reader or email}


Hannah Joy said...

Beautiful music. Perfect rainy day soundtrack. I'm loving the rain, I finally feel like fall is here!

Suzy Krause said...

i know! we hadn't had much rain at all this summer...so i'm pretty happy.

Ariel Tyler Henley said...

Don't you just love rainy days!? Good music and rain sounds absolutely perfect to me. :)

The Magnificent Lou said...

You teach piano? Right on! I just began taking guitar lessons (for the second time), and my teacher incorporates the piano into a lot of his instruction.

Enjoy sleeping! Naps + rain = the best.

Suzy Krause said...

ariel: i DO. for real. it should be a good one. :)

merritt: i do! i love it. my kids are sweet, and i really love music, so...it's kind of the best job i've ever had.

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

that is perfect! It rained yesterday here and those are the days that always feel a little extra special!
Hope you have a great Thursday!

Suzy Krause said...

thanks amy! you too. :D

Emily said...

I've been home sick all day (boo), curled up in bed, listening to this playlist. It has been great company, thanks for sharing!

Suzy Krause said...

aw, i'm sorry you're sick in bed. no fun! {i'm there too, haha. rats.} but i'm glad you liked the music.

Jamie said...

this beautiful playlist is perfect for the rainy day I'm having today. <3