Wednesday, October 26, 2011

{the pregnant waddle}

i've noticed myself standing with my hands on my lower back a lot lately, resting them on my belly when i sit down, and even, at times, doing The Pregnant Waddle.
like last night, i did the Pregnant Waddle all the way across the home depot parking lot.

i think it's because everyone i know seems to be having babies and doing The Pregnant Waddle and maybe my subconscious just thinks it's cool or attractive or something.

i don't know. it's weird.

ps: this isn't a clever way of telling you i'm pregnant. i tell you the truth: i'm just waddling for fun or something.


Shelley said...

bahahaha keep em guessing! That would be a very cool way of telling the world that you were pregnant though, if you know, you were.
I waddle when my legs are sore after too many squats. Though it is more of a 'I've been in a saddle for four weeks straight' type waddle rather than a pregnant waddle. Not nearly as appealing!

Anonymous said...

haha, I do that too sometimes.

Ed said...

I use to waddle so much when I was preg. Then again I was short and HUGE. Like, insanely huge. I got made fun of at work for that damn waddle...

Liz said...

... I've had tons of pregnant dreams where I'm waddling... but none in real life. (although I do pooch out my stomach as far as it will go sometimes and rest my hands on the bottom of my pooch. it feels real for .32355 seconds)

Anonymous said...

No I understand. When I am around pregnant ladies a lot I rub my belly and rest my hands on it too.. and i don't have like any belly at all! Idk if i do the waddle.... i'll have to pay attention in the future.

MySpecialAgent said...

It's probably a subconscious thing. I sometimes catch myself imitating certain little quirks of people that I spend a lot of time with.

Sarah Rooftops said...

Ha ha! I've got some gynae problems and when they were bad I used to find myself cupping my tummy as if I was pregnant (it helped!). I was so skinny at the time, but a woman still came over to me on a bus once and apologised for not giving up her seat because she hadn't spotted that I was pregnant. Oof.

anna said...

oh gosh, i do that too. and there is no way i heaven that i'm preggos.

Jillian said...

I wish that this was a clever way to say that you are prego. Because I would send you a box full of baby stuff. And dance around.