Monday, December 26, 2011

{the 12 days of [after] Christmas}

december has been completely and absolutely exhausting. i'm ready to fall over and sleep for ten years.
like a bear dosed to the max on cold medicine in a cave of cotton balls and pitch blacky blackest blackness.

for real.

until i regain some semblance of open-eyed sanity, i'm basically being a bum and reading blogs and checking my email over and over and over and eating lots of things while saying, "i don't need any more food." 

i'm right. 
but still, i eat.

anyway. the point is not that.

the point is that i came across a sweet promotion the itunes store has on right now: free apps, music, tv shows, movies, books, etc, for 12 days, starting today!
i wanted to share, because i'm a very nice girl:


Suzy Marie said...

I loved this giveaway today! Aren't Coldplay brilliant? Anyway, I've given you a blog award which you can check out over at my blog :) Hope you had a lovely Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you shared...you are a nice person :)