Wednesday, December 14, 2011


i woke up not too long ago, confused about the day and the time and where i was and all of that. the usual. we're back in canada, though not back home quite yet because of reasons that i'll go into later. to say i'm tired would be a great understatement.

two weeks, 10 trains, 8 buses, a ferry, 6 airplanes, two taxis, 2 b & b's, 3 hotel rooms, a cozy attic, 12 new friends, 3 castles, hurricane-force winds, rain, hail, snow, sun, firths, lochs, oceans, seas, incidents and accidents, great big adventures and fantastic little moments, 2000 photographs, 2 x haggis, and, oh good graish, so much else.

tomorrow, i'll start at the beginning.


Ryan & Deb Adams said...

can't wait to hear about it!

Anonymous said...

yay, glad you're back! Email me back when you can :)

Jessie Thetford said...

I am so excited to hear about your trip!!!!! The cliff notes sound amazing already! :D Hope you rest well and have fun retelling your adventures :)

The Magnificent Lou said...

I am on the edge of my seat waiting to read about your great big adventures and fantastic little moments. Hope you get some rest first, though!

larisaa said...

that sounds amazing! i cannot wait to read all your adventures! i hope you get some much needed rest and finish the rest of your trip safely and soon!

Emily said...

Yay yay yay! Can't wait to hear about it all! In the meantime, I hope you sleep sleep sleep!

Sarah Rooftops said...

Oh, goodness, you did pick quite a time to be in Scotland, didn't you?! I've never seen weather like it.

Glad you got back safe and sound.

Jamie said...

You are SO awesome! I'm very excited to read all about it and honestly, I would totally look at all 2000 pictures! =]

Anonymous said...

I am positively baffled by you.