Wednesday, January 25, 2012


for the past couple years, barclay and i have been making a few of our Christmas presents. this year, we made necklaces for his mom and two of his sisters.

on a whim, we decided to try sewing wood. we figured that with enough pressure {applied with a pair of pliers}, and soft enough wood, there's no reason it shouldn't work, right? i was thankful it worked, because i couldn't think of a back-up plan.

i'm not going to sugar coat it: i broke 18 sewing needles and bruised my fingers in the process, but i liked how they turned out.


Anonymous said...

so so pretty!

Little Tree Vintage said...

wow omg i need one of these! gorgeous!

Alivia said...

Love these!!! You should borrow someone else's fingers and open an etsy shop. :)

Mama Milly said...

Those are beautiful and very unique! You are so creative!

larisaa said...

So cool!!! You guys are the best. You didn't drill holes or anything first? Just shoved the needle through?

Alice Jones said...

I know it would be so totally blogger cliche, but please get a small drill to save your fingers and MAKE MORE! I reeeally wanna buy one. Gorgeous!

Michelle E said...

Those look really really cool Suzy. I think you've got something here...

Brandi said...

Those are rad, definitely worth the pain.

Rory and Sadie said...

We absolutely adore this!! What a great and original idea! What kind of wood did you use? The shape and colour of the wood is so pretty! Lovely presents. Did they love it?

Deb A said...

i get so many compliments on mine :)
also, now i know what to buy you for christmas next year: needles.
also, how did you paint the wood after you already had the thread in it?! so curious.

Suzy Krause said...

garsh, thanks debbie. :)

Suzy Krause said...

aw, thank you!!
...do you seriously want one?

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha for real! or just be more careful. by the end of the night, i'd learned to slow down. mostly because i only had one needle left...

Suzy Krause said...

aw, thank you. :) i remember finding something similar online once, so it wasn't completely my idea. only, they'd used drills and different materials and whatnot...the sewing/wood thing was born out of necessity, because we don't have small enough drills or the right supplies!

Suzy Krause said...

yep! the wood was soft enough, and we just used pliers to keep the needle straight. :D

Suzy Krause said...

haha for serious you'd buy one? i should tell barclay. he could quit his job and sew wood for a living...

Suzy Krause said...

aw, thanks michelle. :)

Suzy Krause said...

that's what i figured after i'd punctured my finger for the fifth time. digits: who needs em?
haha, thanks brandi. :)

Suzy Krause said...

thanks guys! we used some scrap wood from barclay's workshop, i can't remember what kind, and for one of them we tried a softer kind...the stuff you'd use for carving stuff.
whoa. i'm super unhelpful.
but thanks for the kind words! they said they liked them, so hopefully...?

Suzy Krause said...

yes! needles!

as for how we painted the wood...so that first picture was the trial run, to see if the needle would actually go through the wood. i think i was pretty pessimistic about the whole thing and didn't think it'd work. but when it did, we unthreaded it, stained the wood, and then threaded it again.
which was much easier the second time around because the holes were already there!

Caitlin said...

You guys are like, the coolest couple I know. Even though I don't really "know" you except on blogs. These are awesome!

BrigittaR said...

This is really cool. Will you sell them?

seacreatures said...

those are so cute!!! love that idea! do i sense a future etsy shop? i hope so :)

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha we're not as cool in real life. the internet is a big personality enhancer. :)

Suzy Krause said...

:D well thanks!
we hadn't really thought about selling them--i think if people emailed and were like, "hey, i'll give you money for that," we'd consider it. they're pretty fun to make!

Suzy Krause said...

aw thank you! and i dunno--i'd have to check with barclay. we'd never thought of etsying it up before...

ryan said...

aaah... cool. makes sense. i was puzzled!

sarahannnoel said...

HOW do you do something so genius every day of your life?
LISTEN to sea creatures. Sell these on Etsy IMMEDIATELY.

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha this idea was more barclay's. he's the genius!

Suzy Marie said...

So cool :) Well done you creative pair you. x

Sarah-Rose said...

Wow - those are so unexpected, and gorgeous!
Well done you, and Barclay.

Holly Knitlightly said...

Whoa, these are gorgeous! Love love looooooooove them! If it didn't cause so many broken needles/hurt fingers I would say SELL THESE. Seriously. I want one. Or two. Okay, I'll take five.

Suzy Krause said...

aw, thanks sarah! :)

Suzy Krause said...

thanks suzy! :D

Suzy Krause said...

hahahah well thanks! i'm thinking about making more so...