Tuesday, February 14, 2012

{a helpful guide to men, according to a barista}

it's valentine's day. but you knew that already. 
i mean, you had to: 48 percent of the population is thrilled about it and 48 percent is devastated. it's like the day after the superbowl, or every time lady gaga comes out with a new cd. there's not a whole bunch of middle ground. 

don't worry. i'm not here to spill all the juicy details of my valentine's day. we're not overly valentinesy around these parts anyway. we're in that 4% of people, leaning more slightly towards thrilled, but not out to spend an arm and a leg on flowers which will inevitably rot on the counter. but, i mean, you feel free. 

however, because i know that there will be a lot of dating going on in the world this evening, and because i know that a lot of that dating will be taking place in coffee shops across the globe, i thought i'd share an essay written by my friend, carmen. it's a truly insightful piece. {it'd be better if you knew carmen in real life, because then you could picture the facial expressions she'd make while saying all of the words, but it is a good read nonetheless.}

{Subtitle: Why the First Date Should Always Be at the Coffee Shop}
By Carmen

I had the lovely privilege of working at a coffee shop this last spring and summer while I finished school.

It was lovely because I had delightful co-workers and a fabulous boss.  It was a privilege because, after school year after school year of working financially lucrative but emotionally draining part-time jobs, I was only responsible for two things: get people their coffee, and make it good.

But if you've known me for any length of time, you've already anticipated that I somehow made a simple, relatively mindless job into some sort of investigation.  Because I like investigations.  I like methods.  I like patterns and clues.  And above all else, I like thinking that I can figure people out.

So.  Without further ado, I present my deeply profound and unfalteringly accurate treatise on what a woman can tell about a man by the type of coffee he orders.


A coffee means that he is strong of character, not given to following trends, and wastes neither time, words nor money.

An americano means that he has all the characteristics of the coffee man, but with a touch of class.  He probably wears a scarf in the fall, and he keeps shoe polish on hand.

An espresso --regardless of how it's served-- points to a slightly aloof man.  Now, I'll be the first to admit that there is some grey area here.  He could be pretentious (check to see if he has a large ring on his pinky finger, is wearing only organic wool, and/or has an unbroken copy of "War and Peace" under his arm) or he could be cultured (for example, does he meet with other customers to debate and laugh together in a foreign language?).  This also applies to cappuccinos.

A tea means that he values the home.  He doesn't care what people think of him, and he talks of his mother with deep respect.  If, however, he orders a fruit or berry tea, drop him immediately; you will never measure up, in his mind, to his mother. 

A London Fog (some call it an Earl Grey latte) means --well, I don't know how to put this softly.  He's a bit childish.  He's never really gotten over the giddiness of being an adult, and he tends to assert his self-perceived maturity in ill-timed and inappropriate ways.

A basic latte man is likely just going along with the flow.  He doesn't see why some people love coffee shops and why some people love to hate the idea of four dollar drinks.  Coffee shops serve his immediate purpose and, besides, his girlfriend loves them.

If a latte man wants a flavor in his drink, the barista must consider which flavor before judging him.  Something mainstream like vanilla or hazelnut barely matters.  See "basic latte man" --he probably doesn't even know that he could request a different flavor.  If he asks for something like "toasted marshmallow" or "pumpkin spice," however, he is susceptible to advertising and easily led by popular opinion.  This sort of man believes that his coolness increases with the length of his drink's name.  The Caramel Macchiato man is resolutely in this latter category.

Most men who order mochas, in my experience, don't even know what's in it.  "That's, like, coffee with, like, milk?  ...and chocolate?  Seriously?  Huh."  See "basic latte man" but add a bit of bad money managing.

The Hot Chocolate man. This man is not the kind you want to date. No, this man is the kind you want to marry.* The Hot Chocolate man knows who he is. He likes hot chocolate and he's going to order hot chocolate, regardless of what you or his buddies think of him for doing so. Maybe he sounds a bit too set in his ways-- a bit too lone wolf? Just watch his eyes light up when the barista asks him if he wants whipped cream and chocolate shavings. Snatch him up quickly, before she does.

*The only exception to this rule is if he thinks he's cute for ordering hot chocolate and keeps mentioning the fact.

There are many more drinks, of course, but you get the idea.  What complicate the issue more [read: what makes the investigation more interesting] are any specific requests made by the man to the barista regarding the drink.  I've summarized them below for your benefit.

Black: He's straight-forward and simple; what you see is what you get.
He specifically requests whole milk:  He cares a little too much about being a man's man.  Has probably practiced his Rambo face in the mirror (bandanna optional).
He specifically requests skim milk:  He thinks a little too much about his figure.
He specifically requests sugar-free syrup:  He's prone to dramatic spurts.  Probably whines when his team loses and boast obnoxiously when they win, always forgetting that he had nothing to do with it either way.
To his coffee or tea, he adds milk: He's on the right path and has the right goals.  Cheer him on-- he'll be a great man if he has the right woman behind him.
To his coffee or tea, he adds sugar: He doesn't like conflict.

And there you have it.

Having contemplated this system for some time, and having been convinced of its accuracy, I told my boss one day, "I could never respect a man who orders a skinny London Fog."  She laughed.

The next day, a young, tough, swaggering male police officer came into the shop.  You know where this is going, don't you?

He was, no doubt, used to women's heads turning after his uniform.  His very aura demanded respect.  And he ordered a London Fog.  Remembering my conversation with my boss, and dearly hoping to laugh, I asked him, "Would you like whole milk or skim?"  He said, "Oh, skim, please!" 

With all my strength, I kept my face straight and asked mischievously, "And would you like the sugar-free syrup as well?"

He said, "Sure, that'd be great!"  Poor man.  For his sake, I hope the woman he dates doesn't read my blog.


The Magnificent Lou said...

Your friend is a genius! My fiancé is a total basic latte, which I always found boring, but now I am just grateful he isn't a London Fog lover - yikes. Also, the description of the americano drinker made me grin a lot - she nailed it.

Happy heart day, Suzy!

Suzy Krause said...

she really is. very perceptive...
happy heart day back to you merritt! :D

Caitlin said...

Hahah this is so interesting! I loved reading it. Not a coffee person myself (nor is my husband)...we are definitely hot cocoa people.

Also I think we're in the same Valentine's Day category as you. Don't see it as a reason to get annoyed nor as a reason to get super excited...just a day with an excuse to maybe get a nice dinner or just pizza.

Unknown said...

This made me laugh so much--she needs to investigate other things pronto so I can learn even more.

My guy is a latte man and he just goes with the flow and if it's not a latte it's a hot chocolate soni scored big time!

kalie brynn. said...

haha this is so clever! it all makes so much sense...

thanks for sharing this! and i hope you and your valentine have a very happy day, indeed!

Suzy Krause said...

haha indeed. i always like an "excuse" for a date. but i don't need or want an excuse to spend lots of money. so.

Suzy Krause said...

i agree! she does need to investigate more, she is very perceptive.

look at you and your hot chocolate man. way to go!

Suzy Krause said...

haha for real!
happy valentine's day to you too!! :)

the best part of my day... said...

Love this day..and love this post. Love to couples and singles alike!

Anonymous said...

I have to meet your friend, she must be great! My boyfriend is a Latte Macchiato, and being Italian he prefers the "real" one. And I think he doesn't even know that skim milk exists.

I hope you had a great Valentine's day, I'm spending it at home: my boyfriend is working (cooking delicious dishes for someone that's not me. aarrrg ^^)

Carmen said...

I don't mind at all! And in fact, I'm flattered. Thanks for the compliment of re-posting this and for the compliment of the other compliments you gave me. :) And-- it's made lovely by your drawing.

p.s. today I was at a conference and I was sitting behind a girl who looked just like you. I was on the verge of throwing something to get your attention when I realized that it wasn't you.

Carmen said...

P. to the other S. You have this uncanny way of making my little "page views" line shoot off the chart. It's totally like hanging out with the popular kid at lunch. :)

Suzy Krause said...

haha! happy valentine's day to you!

Suzy Krause said...

hm...your comment brings up an interesting point:
i don't think this is an international list. because i'm sure there's a altogether different coffee culture in each country. i should get carmen to look into that.
{happy belated valentine's day! sorry that your boyfriend had to work...you'll have to have a make-up valentine's day!}

Suzy Krause said...

well sweet! obviously i'm a very impatient person.
i'm working on it.
so i'm glad that you were ok with it. but really, i thought you'd be.

oh, and my goodness, you should've thrown something at her anyway!

nova said...

Ahh so true!!!! I was a barista for a few months too, and that mocha thing is spot on. Nobody who orders it ever seems to know what it is.

Suzy Krause said...

haha weird...i find it so interesting how many people order stuff based on what sounds cool instead of what they actually like!

Kristin said...

Hahaha, this is sheer brilliance. I love it. I've never been a barista but I have been guilty for years of judging people based on their coffee orders. My guy is a sometimes-black-coffee-sometimes-basic-latte-man, and I'll see to it that he steers clear of a London Fog.

Alice Jones said...

Haha I like this post a lot- although we have slightly different names for some of the orders.

I drunkenly gave my number to a nice young man in a bar a few years ago (am I really so old I can say "a few years ago" now and still be referring to adulthood? :-/) anyway, he text me and arranged to meet for coffee and he was really nice and I could even forgive the fact it turned out he was a year younger than me. But he ordered a hot chocolate. At 10am on a work day :-/ I mean good on him for not faking a palate for coffee but that was instantly going nowhere. So I guess I missed out on Mr Perfect?

Charlie's a cappuccino man, I can live happily with this.

Holly Knitlightly said...

Bahahaha I love it!!

I think Keith would probably order a hot chocolate... haha! Or just plain coffee with lots of cream & sugar. Or a hot apple cider, if we're at hortons. (My fault, I got him hooked on those.)

Liz said...

this is so hilarious!! thanks for posting!

Suzy Krause said...

hahahah i'm glad that you care enough about your man to keep him away from the london fogs.

Suzy Krause said...

oh no! you missed out on marriage material!
however, i'm going to refer to an earlier comment: i think this list would look differently in different cultures/countries. you should write one on your blog, and we can compare. i think that'd be an interesting spin on things. and international investigation, if you will.
so. i guess that's your assignment. do you accept?

Suzy Krause said...

ooOOOoooohh...marriage material! tweet twooo...

Suzy Krause said...

:) she's a genius! you should definitely check out her blog.

Alice Jones said...

Sure, I accept! One of my goals is to learn to make espresso coffee so maybe I can incorporate the two...

Suzy Krause said...

sweet. i'm looking forward to this... :)

JTay said...

Your accuracy is remarkable, Carmen. I'm sure it is no surprise that Sean is a black coffee man. Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

haha love this, though one is left out, my husband loves Iced Coffee, what do you make of that?

Suzy Krause said...

oooh...i think cold drinks are another ballpark entirely. man alive. she could write a whole book on this!

Suzy Krause said...

so is barclay! we really should get together.