i've been thinking about people.
{not specific people, but people as a whole.}
i've been thinking about motivation and benefit of a doubt and insecurities and assumptions and the way that people deal with what they're dealing with.
i've been thinking about how often i assume that i know why a person is doing something or saying something or believing something.
i've been thinking about the rude cashier at the grocery store and the over-exuberant girl i met at that wedding in the fall and about my friends and about people i see often but don't know very well and about my husband and my family and the homeless guy downtown who always asks for my extra quarters.
i've been thinking about how people see me, about how i don't want them assuming.
there really is a lot to think about.
I love that quote. I always assume people see me the way I see me. And when I find out otherwise it's really a blow to my self esteem. Unless it's a good thing about me. Then It makes me happy. But we're full of assumptions and sometimes that's ok but I think it usually makes us miss the bigger picture and all the good stuff that's beneath the assumptions.
You're a smart lady. I think of these things, too.
I think about this stuff a lot too-- one of my favorite quotes, "be curious, not judgmental." -Walt Whitman
I love the way you write. I also tend to assume certain things about people I know or don't know. Might not be the best habit to get in to, especially if I don't want people assuming things about me.
Indeed. These kind of thoughts are in my brain ALL the time. Thanks for verbalizing them :)
Some days I get all philosophical like this. Sometimes it's just really hard to take all of the world in and get your head around it. It's scarily big!
This is what I do when drivers are annoying. What if they are rushing because they've just found out a family member is ill? What if they're late to a wedding? All sorts.
People are so complex, it's incredible. I am not super talkative, but I could listen to people for hours. I think adults should have story time too.
I think about people too. Too much, I think. It's a problem we women have, I think. Ok - I'm thinking too much again...
exactly. :)
well i happen to think you're a smart lady. i was going to email you yesterday. maybe i will today, instead.
ooh, i like that a lot.
aw, thanks nicole! :) i'm on your blog right now listening to the songs you posted..
oh, you know me, i verbalize EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME.
i like verbalizing. :)
oh man, the world is ridiculously big. especially when you consider that it's mostly made up of things you can't see.
interesting--i never thought to apply this to drivers. i get ticked off so easy when i'm driving...a good thing to keep in mind though. :)
I AGREE. hence, what i love about the blogosphere. :)
hahaha, truth. but hey, i'd rather think too much than be thoughtless!
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