Tuesday, April 10, 2012

{5 motivational speeches i HATE}

motivational speech: a message written to convince listeners that they can succeed.

i don't mean to be a debbie downer, but i have to tell you this: there are certain motivational speeches that are on my little list of pet peeves, and they seem to be everywhere lately, and my eyes are rolling almost out of their sockets and my forehead hurts. {from all the scrunching and scratching and eye-rolling.} they don't need a lot of preamble or explanation, so i'm almost just giving them to you straight. if you disagree, that's cool. i bet pet peeves are called pet peeves because if everyone shared them, they would be called communal peeves or shared peeves or something like that, and would include things like war and nickelback. but the point is not that.


1. follow this simple diet/plan/exercise regimen/drink this/don't eat that/whatever and you can lose 20 pounds and have a flat belly and look like a swimsuit model.  {if we all had the same exact body type, metabolism, schedule, genes, and access to cheap, fresh food and a gym, sure. maybe.}

2. don't care about what other people think about you. {to an extent, sure. but there's also something to be said for being respectable & respecting yourself, not riling people up over stupid stuff, having a reputation for being trustworthy, kind, etc. others' opinions shouldn't consume you, but i think it's good and even healthy to consider how you're presenting yourself to them.}

3. you can wear whatever you want as long as you wear it with confidence, and you'll look great. {i've read this on more than a few blogs. it kind of goes with number 1. there are certain people who can wear whatever they want and it looks great. the whole dressing like a little girl/grandmother thing that's in style right now? when i try to do that, i look like i'm actually a little girl or a grandmother, no matter how much confidence i go out with. THE TRUTH.}

4. the only thing that matters is that you love yourself. {do you know what kind of chaos would ensue in a kindergarten classroom if you told the kids that? do you really think it changes that much as we grow up? i feel like, growing up, i heard over and over, "the world doesn't revolve around you, suzy." and now as an adult i keep hearing, "it's all about you and your feelings and your rights, etc." confusing.}

5. follow your dreams. don't go where the path leads; go instead where there is no path and blaze a trail. shoot for the moon; if you miss you'll land among the stars! BE NOT NOBODY! LIVE, LAUGH, DREAM! cheese. shoosh.

in short, a lot of motivational speeches are like hot chocolate made completely out of chocolate syrup warmed up in the microwave. i prefer mine made with milk and cocoa and a little, tiny bit of sugar, because a little sweetness is good, but too much sugar rots your teeth out and makes you fat.

'nuff said.

do you have some loathable lines that you've been fed via the internet, magazines, or people? please share.


Mrs. Wilson said...

You can do anything you set your mind to! ... uh, no I can't! Why am I not at the moon yet? Why am I not a millionaire yet? Why can I not mute my children once in a while?

I am so with you. On all points. Especially the Love Yourself! Put Yourself First! That one bothers me SO MUCH.

Sarah Rooftops said...

All of these.

Also: you can do anything you want. Which isn't true. A few people can do anything they want. Most of us have to have ordinary jobs and pay the bills... and I resent it because I feel like I was promised that some more exciting dream would just magically come true.

Caitlin said...

Hahaha I love this. Especially the "dress how you want" thing...I really do look like a frumpy gender-confused little boy when I wear some of the stuff bloggers get away with. All in all I am not a fan of the grandma/little child thing personally.

For the record I imagine you as someone who could pull off some pretty crazy outfits and still look amazing.

Kiersten said...

I totally agree with number 3!
I've seen that on more than a couple blogs lately (and elsewhere), and I'm sorry, but it's just not true. MOST people cannot wear whatever they want, and no matter what you say or think or want to believe, appearance DOES matter. A lot. Even if maybe it shouldn't.
<3 Kiersten

Marcie said...

What speech would you give?

Brenda C. Boylan said...

You forgot: "Don't be sad that your dear sweet grandfather is dying, he is going to a better place." I don't care if he is going to a better place, I want him here with us!

Chess said...

I couldn't agree more. This whole me-feelings-love-only-myself is promoting selfishness and a total disregard of others' and their feelings. Not a fan.

I really hate the "If you work hard, you can get anything you want."

I know that's true for some people. But I also know that I work really hard and I don't get everything I want. I know people who work even harder than I do. They still don't get the things they want. I also know people who don't work hard and have everything they want.

Sometimes, it really is just luck and circumstance.

Shelley said...

truly, I think you've covered them all!! Great list :)

Anonymous said...

Hmm...pet peeve of mine is when people tell you "you can do anything you put your mind to". Well, it's a nice thought, but not very realistic. I mean, I'm pretty sure that even if I tried really, really, REALLY hard and focused all my time, energy and brain-power on it, and practised every day and night for the rest of my life, there is just no possible way I could become an NHL hockey player...I mean, I'm pretty sure I'd have to become a boy first. There are just some things in life that are not achievable for some people, and we need to accept that and be ok with that! We're not all blessed with the same gifts, so don't try to be something you're not...use the gifts that you have to the best of your ability! GRRR...I'm getting worked up just thinking about it!


Suzy Krause said...

hahahaha i can't believe i forgot about that one!!!!!
that is totally one of my pet peeve motivational speeches.

Suzy Krause said...

TOTALLY. {see comment just above.} who started that? some lucky duck who wanted something and got it and decided that it was because of their hard work. which, much like the weight and the clothing thing, probably had more to do with other factors...

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha thank you for thinking that! but i'm totally not. i live in jeans and t-shirts. {hence why i never ever do outfit posts.}
:) but over the internet, you'd never know it!

Suzy Krause said...

so true. i always make a snarky face at the computer screen when i read that on fashion blogs. silly bloggers!
& like i said: i don't think it should be an unhealthy obsession, but the way you present yourself to others says a lot about you as a person. i think. haha. :)

Suzy Krause said...

oh man.
i'll get back to you on that.

Suzy Krause said...

aw, i'm sorry brenda, i hear that. :( i had this one given to me a lot when my grandma was dying last summer. i believed it, and do still, but it was the "going" part that i was having a hard time with. i wasn't sad for her, i was sad for ME.

Suzy Krause said...

i'm so glad i'm not the only unfan of the selfishness in that statement. :)

haha, and i love that everyone has the same 6th pet peeve {see comments above}. SO TRUE.

Suzy Krause said...

hahah thanks shelley! :)

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha! this really is the 6th speech. i can't believe i never thought of it earlier. you worded it better than i would've though. :)

JTay said...

I SO have the granny clothes issue. Always have. Lace, high collars, florals... BAM! I'm your grandma. I also hate the "Shoot for the moon, and even if you miss you'll land on a star" or maybe you'll hurdle through the oblivion of space forever and ever!!! But really. *Shaking my head*. Can't handle that one.

Suzy Krause said...

haha! i think we had this conversation once before. about the grandma clothes. because i remember thinking, "whatEVER, justine can wear ANyTHING." and then it made me feel better, because i realized that everyone doesn't HAVE to look good in everything. phew.

Suzy Krause said...

also, yes. the moon one. what you said. exactly.

sarahannnoel said...

This is one of the best posts of all time.

Suzy Krause said...

you're a shameless flatterer. :)

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

I now truly loathe the words inspired and inspiration or any derivative really. It's overused into the ground and now means nothing to me. Funny because I actually used to like it. Pretty lame.
I also got told yesterday that maybe I should have someone evaluate my photography and take classes and go to school. I'm sorry but not every family is wealthy and has enough money to lay down several bucks for expensive schooling and equipment. I work with what I've got, even if that means I thrifted the DSLR I own and I'm self taught. I believe life means working with what you have to learn and get better at what you seek to do. And self teaching yourself can be pretty darn awesome.
Some pep talks are just lame.

Suzy Krause said...

clap clap clap.
you're right.

a.eye said...

Part of the problem with society is that people think it is all about them! And many give in to this - hence all the "celebrities" from reality tv and YouTube fame.

Suzy Krause said...

absolutely. hence snooki.