Tuesday, April 24, 2012

{let's play a game}

the name of the game is profile pictures. 

1) post your first ever facebook profile picture.
2) pick one photo {only one} from each consecutive year up to the present one. 
3) explain.


first ever profile picture, 2007 {it says 2005 on the timestamp, but i didn't get facebook til 2007, so.} this is kaiden. my family does foster care, and kaiden is one of my, like, 20 or so honorary brothers and sisters. the day that social services took him away, i was incredible hulk upset. sweetest kid EVER. we still keep in touch, and i keep his picture on my keychain. 

2008: megan & me. the year after college, i moved to a little city that i used to hate but don't anymore. i made some new friends in the produce section of the grocery store and hung out with them all the time afterward. most of them were from england, and i don't think i'll ever see them again. also note how at this point in my life i made every effort to wear every piece of jewelry i owned all at the same time. i had 6 or 7 hoop earrings jammed in each ear and 10 necklaces on at all times. why?

2009: the year of our engagement & wedding & california honeymoon. a very good year. do you not love my mom's dress? i'd wear it grocery shopping if i could. wedding planning hint: paying 50 bucks for alterations on an old dress is cheaper and funner than paying 3000 bucks for a new one. TRUTH.

2010: we were taylor swift & andrew schwab for halloween. sadly, no one could tell that we were dressed up. 

2011: a reunion with old friends. crystal, karz, rachie, & janet. this group of girls hurts my face. you know those people who make you laugh and smile too much and then you go home and look in the mirror and discover new lines around your mouth? 

2012: here's where we're at now. me and my favourite abandoned shop window. i love this shop window. i want to have it. i feel like no one appreciates it the way i do. 

your turn, blogosphere.

alice played
nova played
a charmed hour played
emma played
holly played
cheryl played
joni played
suzanna played


Sarah Rooftops said...

Ohhhhh, the dress is gorgeous!

nova said...

Fun idea! :)

Caitlin said...

Aww, I love this! What a neat idea.

Jen Glen said...

Will you still love me if I tell you that in the shop window it looks like you're wearing one of those extremely old gas masks from like World War 2?! Really!!

Courtney Bates-Hardy said...

Aw! Your wedding photo is awesome! Who did your photos?

Alice Jones said...

You're adorable and I loooved your vlog - more, more!

I took my turn. http://www.niceties.co.nz/2012/04/im-game.html

the best part of my day... said...

I feel your love for that abandoned store window. I really do. They live all over this planet of ours. Whatever becomes of them?

ACharmedHour said...

This idea owns. I've just finished my post. Thanks for the fun time killing :)

Meg said...

haha the taylor swift & andrew schwab costumes -SPOT. ON.

Suzy Krause said...

isn't it lovely? my mama has good taste...

Suzy Krause said...

thanks for playing. :)

Suzy Krause said...

dooo it dooo it dooo it

Suzy Krause said...

it totally does! i was thinking that, but no one else saw it. thank you for seeing it. :D

Suzy Krause said...

aw thanks! my friend's mom did most of the photos, but this particular one was taken by my friend justine {http://justinetaylor.tumblr.com/}
she's fantastic at everything she tries, photography included.

Suzy Krause said...

sweet!! {and thanks. haha, vlogging is so intimidating to me!}

Suzy Krause said...

for real! especially ones such as this. so much love for this one.

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha i think we were writing on each others' blogs at the exact same time. funny. :) thanks for playing!!

Suzy Krause said...

haha, we thought we were so funny. but no one seems to know who andrew schwab is...so that's too bad.

Emma said...

Awesome! I played :)

danielle rousseau said...

Who is this girl! This taylor swift look-a-like is ridiculous and her blog is a poor excuse for eliminating boredom. On behalf of all the internet thanks for a blog that does nothing but exhibit your blonde hair and your alarming knowledge and enjoyment of snooki. all i want now is the time i spent reading this drivel back. sorry eyes.

Suzy Krause said...

ah! but alas! alack! time is a cruel vendor who does not give refunds.
you should have chosen wiselier.

i would love to make it up to you however, because not only do i not look like taylor swift, i'm also not too famous to be friends with you: perhaps a virtual coupon for a virtual hug? or i could mail you an avocado? avocados are a really good substitute for time well-spent.

Suzy Krause said...

sweeet!!! i'm coming to check it out NOW.

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

love how seemless your faces fit into those masks! haha too great... oh and I LOOOOVE your wedding dress!

Meg said...

haha, the best laid plans, eh? i quite like project 86. and your sentiments on avocados. :)

Suzy Krause said...

aw thank you! i love it too. sigh. too bad i'll never get to wear it again...

JTay said...

This is totally my go-to blog for Snooki info. Yup. It should be called "Snooki and The Skyscrapers". You totally have it cased, Danielle.
Also... Danielle Rousseau... as in the crazy French lady living in the jungle on LOST?

JTay said...

Thanks, Suzy! :) And this is a super fun/cute post. :)

Suzy Krause said...

oh man. it SHOULD be called snooki and the skyscrapers.