Monday, May 28, 2012

{the best moment of reality tv, ever}

american idol.

i was somewhere in high school when it started. my best friend at the time was very into it, so i saw every episode of the first season. i didn't see another one until i was living in my first apartment with karlie. we had exactly two channels {and one of them was french} so tuesday and wednesday nights were spent eating oatmeal and peanut butter and cheering for some stranger out in tv land who i can't even remember now. he might have had dreadlocks. or it might have been a girl.

so i don't even know why i decided to watch this season of it. i've always thought it was kind of a joke. i don't respect j-lo {one of the judges} musically, and steven tyler {another judge} WEIRDS ME OUT. the music they perform on the show is usually pretty lame and ryan seacrest, etc. anyway. i think it was just one of those times where i was folding laundry and got tired of the quiet room and i'd already watched this week's episode of community, so i just clicked on ctv.com and watched the first thing that i recognized.

anyway. i was hooked like a fish through the lip and i've decided to be ok with it. it had its cheesiness and its silliness and its pitchiness and its jennifer lopeziness, but it all led up to my single favourite moment of reality tv, ever. phillip and i both cried a little when the marching band came out.



Chantelle said...

Yep, Phil-Phil is pretty awesome. (and he's not a bad singer either) ;)

Alivia said...

I am so on the same page as you regarding the cheesiness and pitchiness and whatevs, but I had multiple people tell me I *had* to watch the finale because Phil Phil was so lovely.
Glad you posted it, because it was just what I needed :)

the best part of my day... said...

Yeah...Steven Tyler creeps me out as well....he looks more and more like a women everytime I see him on TV. Strange....

Suzy Marie said...

Firstly, I love that this guy is called Phillip Phillips. Like were his parents trying to be funny?! Also, I definitely think it's ok to be ok with American Idol. I watched two full seasons religiously during university and I can't rule out the possibility of it ever happening again.

Liz said...

I don't watch American Idol, but my friend emailed me a link to the studio version of this song... and I downloaded it off of iTunes as soon as I could!!

Meg said...

Oh. My. Goodness. I haven't watched American Idol since Clay Aiken but this was MAGIC! Thanks for sharing (and I shared a tear as well!)

Suzy Krause said...


Suzy Krause said...

i know hey? i miiiiiight end up watching next season just cuz this one was so good. there was this other girl, elise testone, who blew my mind a couple times too. good old rt.

Suzy Krause said...

i know hey? and he always has these cheesy beyond all reason sayings that he throws out there in the name of "inspiration". bleck.

Suzy Krause said...

that's what i was wondering--it couldn't have just been one of those things that happened and then a few years down the road you're like, "oh crap..."

Suzy Krause said...

so good right? THE MARCHING BAND.

Suzy Krause said...

hahahhaha clay aiken!! reuben studdard...
oh old american idol.
but yeah, magic is the exact right word.

suzy said...

I bet people ask him for his name and he says "Phillip Phillips" and they say "What's your surname?" haha.

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha it's true. what a life!

Alice Jones said...

Phillip Phillips singing Volcano, I was sold.

JTay said...

So, while we're admitting that we watch American Idol, I'll drop some knowledge that borders on creepy fan: his dad's also named Phillip Phillips, so I think it's a family name that's been passed down since the time when it was OK to be named Phillip Phillips. Or Ace. Or Stubby.

Suzy Krause said...

indeed. so good.

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha been doing some research justine? :)