Tuesday, May 22, 2012


my society6 iphone case came in the mail this weekend {mail on the weekend? how?}!!

Photobucket Photobucket

i ordered one of my own from my little soc6 shop because i was paranoid and distrustful, as always, that the quality of the case was going to be bad or that the picture would be pixel-y or something, and that people would be mad at me for selling crap.
Photobucket verdict: my mind is at ease. the case itself is solid; it's sturdy and it doesn't obstruct the camera or any of the buttons like some do. and the picture looks the very same on the case as it does in my sketchbook! {one of my friends actually thought i'd drawn the picture right onto the white iphone case.} so i guess all systems are go.
not to be pushy, but you should know that shipping is free until sunday. shipping is normally 10 bucks. 10 bucks could buy you a cd, or a ticket to a local show, or 9 chocolate bars! click here if you want one or ten.

if that doesn't sell you, here's a picture of me endorsing my product over a cup of cold coffee. sorry i look like that, i haven't washed my hair since thursday and it's starting to dreadlock underneath. plus i have kind of a sunburn and am wearing all the same clothes as yesterday. that's how you know we're friends now; i don't feel like i have to dress up for you. Photobucket


sarahannnoel said...

I'm really proud of you and your cases. :) And also I wish my hair looked like that!

Sydney said...

What kind if cover is it? Like plastic-y or rubbery or something else-y?

Anonymous said...

I think it looks so good, your doodles are beautiful!People with i-phones: Buy this cover, now! =)

kalie brynn. said...

oh good, i am glad they turned out so well! if i had an iphone, i would definitely buy one of those adorable cases. but. i don't, so i will just tell people with iphones that they should do that.

gah. you're still cute. i don't think there is anything you could do to not be.

Carmen said...

I love your store! So creative and quirky and pretty! (And, p.s., please stop being so amazing. It's making the rest of us look bad.)

Courtney Bates-Hardy said...

If I had an iphone, I would totally buy one of your cases. Super cute!

Emily said...

True story - I bought a society 6 iphone case last fall and loved it immediately but wasn't sure how sturdy it was until a few weeks ago when I somehow managed to accidentally drop my iphone between the metro car and the platform onto the tracks below, which really means it fell a good solid five feet onto solid concrete, and it fell so hard some of the gravel lodged itself into the corner of the case, BUT my iphone was 100% fine and (even better?) my case didn't crack at all (the metro worker who retrieved it for me was very impressed). So my vote is for sturdy. And totally awesome.

Caitlin said...

I love it! I want one! :)

Liz said...

I really need to make a decision. I've looked at your website like.. 12 times? And I simply can't decide. I have an otter box for my iPhone because I am CLUMSY, so as much as I want a super cute case, it's not practical.
I'm thinking a skin? Ughhhh DECISIONS

I love your new prints :)
Lace and feathers.. two of my favorites, as you probably know. Ha.

PS- glad the email helped!!

Have a loooovely week.

Suzy Krause said...

:) --oh man though, i'm actually going to wash it this morning {i know, it's been a week, yuck} and i don't know if i'm going to be able to get the dreadlocks out. isn't that gross? aren't i gross? gross.

Suzy Krause said...

it's a hard shell, {they're this brand: http://www.case-mate.com/ and that website has a good write-up & video about the cases}. it's wonderfully sturdy. {see emily's comment five below yours...}

Suzy Krause said...

aw, thanks juliette! :D

Suzy Krause said...

oh garsh. :) thanks kalie.

Suzy Krause said...

silly carmen! i'm just trying to catch up with YOU.

Suzy Krause said...

aw, thanks courtney! :)

Suzy Krause said...

that's fantastic. i'm really happy that they didn't just opt for a cheapy case that doesn't do anything but look good. yay soc6!!

Suzy Krause said...

do it! free shipping!!

Suzy Krause said...

ooh, i was looking at the otter boxes before cuz i'm clumsy too {read emily's comment a few up from yours}. i like this case cuz it's really slim and sturdy. but to each his own right? :) there are cards and stuff there too. just sayin. :D

Unknown said...

I bought one! I love to have something different for my stuff. Right now I have a gelaskin cover which doesn't protect the phone, but it is Vincent VanGogh's Starry Night. Which sets my iPhone apart from everyone else's. Now I will have protection for my phone AND it won't look like every other person's phone! Thank you for the heads up. Call me stupid but I take it this is your shop and your designs?

Lily-Thinking Thoughts

Suzy Krause said...

you did!!!??? YAY!!! thank you. :D
this is my shop & my doodles, yep. taking off slowly but surely. which one did you get??

Chantelle said...

I'm scrolling down, seeing that pic of you and thinking "Man, this kid should totally MODEL" and then I read you saying "Sorry I look like that". [Sorry I look gorgeous and fresh and all model-y.] I guess it's a good thing you don't recognize your own beauty or you'd be full of yourself. ;)

Liz said...

Oh I'm definitely getting something. NO DOUBT.
I wouldn't want to write on the cards though. Haha


Unknown said...

2011. I am so excited to get this! I love having unique things...my personal statement that I am an individual. When it gets here I will post pictures and brag about it on my blog for all my 30+ readers. (hahaha I have such a huge readership => )

Lily-Thinking Thoughts

Suzy Krause said...

sweet!!! i'm pumped for that post... :D

Suzy Krause said...
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Suzy Krause said...

oh dear, i'm sorry! i didn't mean for that to come across as me being down on myself. i wish you had been here yesterday morning chantelle! haha! it took me FORTY FIVE MINUTES to brush the dreadlocks out of my hair!! {with a big-tooth comb, and LOTS of conditioner. yikes.}

Nova said...

Oh yah you look disgusting. Ew. Gross. Ugh. Look at that um... awesome hair? cool face? hahaha I want to buy one of those cases now that I have a new iPod but my boss hand painted a five on a case just for me for my 5 year anniversary at the tattoo shop and I can't not use that one, what's a girl to do Suzy? I ask you. What?

Suzy Krause said...

oh garsh. i just meant that in person if you saw me, you'd be maybe grossed out by the stench and snarly bedhead. but if you don't mind, then that's cool!

and a hand-painted case is MUCH better than one from the internet. i want one too...maybe i should move there and work with you.