Wednesday, June 20, 2012


i turned 25 this morning.

 it's strange to think i've only existed for 25 years. i feel as though i've been around since the dawn of time. all my friends are walking around saying, "ugh, i can't believe i'm 25 already!" and i join in because i know that's what you're supposed to say when you're 25, but 25 years isn't very many.

30 years isn't very many. 60 years isn't very many. even if you lived to 150, that wouldn't impress me very much.

 25 years is only just enough years to even sort of understand what's going on. you learn a few things, you relearn them, you realize that you learned them wrong, so you learn them again. you make some friends and lose a few people and gain stuff and knowledge and then you're living in a little house in a little city drinking your coffee {almost} black and thinking, i've only existed for 25 years. there is a time before i was born where the world was here and i just wasn't in it. at all. 

and then, inevitably, you get thinking about dinosaurs and cake.

if i was a dinosaur, i would want to be a pterodactyl. obviously.

anyway, here's some birthday cake for us to share:
{click through if you're in email or reader mode}


larisaa said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope your day is wonderful!

Brenda C. Boylan said...

Happy Birthday! I won't say that you are so young, young enough for me to have been your much older sister, but I will say that I am impressed that you seem to understand the importance of age much better than most people your age. Enjoy your 25th year!

Jen Wilson said...


I had a little freak-out on my 25th birthday. I think I would have liked my birthday a whole lot more if I'd read this post on that day.

Courtney Bates-Hardy said...

Happy birthday Suzy! Hope you're doing something fun today!

Nicole said...

happy happy happy birthday:)enjoy your day! 25 was one of the best years I ever had.

AllieGirl said...

I just turned 25 in May and I remember thinking that surely I would feel different. Like I would feel older or more mature or just plain different, but I woke up and it was all the same. Then I had the same thought that I have only lived for 25 years and that at first seemed like a lot, but then I thought about my grandparents who have passed away now but lived more than twice as long as I did. It was said they died young and I'm not even halfway there yet.

The world will go one with or without my birthday. It seems strange to think of yourself as such a small part of this entire world when you take up such a big part of your own little world.

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday little dinosaur!! In another 25 you will still be young, so keep on thinking of cakes and dinosaurs, that's the best thing =)


Megs said...

Crazy random thing to ponder that I just learned yesterday: Noah (Bible Noah) was 500 when he had children. Today we say things like: I want to have kids by the time I am (insert small # here). Imagine if we lived long enough to say, "I want to wait a couple of hundred years before I have kids." Or just in general had a couple of hundred years to figure out what the heck we wanted to be when we "grew up." Kind of mind blowing. Right? Even if you don't believe the Bible as fact. Just the idea of HUNDREDS OF YEARS of living.

Jessica Who? said...

i love this post! i'm so glad you shared it.
i turned 25 this past may and i was so depressed about it. the though tos getting older scares the crap out of me.
thanks for giving me a different perception.



Jessica said...

Happy birthday!! Your cake pun made me really happy. 25 is a nice solid number. I like the in-between-ness of it. I think age is such a strange thing once you're in your twenties and it's not something you have to talk to people about. I frequently forget that I'm 26 just because I never have to say how old I am anymore. I feel both strangely old and strangely not old.

Caitlin said...

LOVE CAKE. Mostly the food. And happy birthday my friend! If I were there I'd throw you a dinosaur party and it'd be great.

Carmen said...

Happy Birthday! I hope the start of the new year has been fabulous, pterodactyl.

Suzy Krause said...

thanks times ten larisaa!!! :)

Suzy Krause said...

haha, thank you, older-sister-aged friend. :) it is funny, isn't it, peoples' concept of age and time? silly. :)

Suzy Krause said...


oh, that this blog were a time-travel blog...

Suzy Krause said...

thanks courtney! it was a blast. :)

Suzy Krause said...

mm, that bodes well for me then.. :) thanks!

Mama Milly said...

Happy Birthday!
I loved being 25 - I remember thinking I was finally entering grown-upedness...anyway, hope your day was fantastic!

callie said...

Happy birthday!! I really hope you had a fabulous day.

the best part of my day... said...

Happy belated, Suzy!
From a fellow Gemini, all the best for your year ahead, friend.

Suzy Krause said...

exaaaactly. isn't it funny the way we are? :)

Suzy Krause said...

thanks juliette!! :D

Suzy Krause said...

hahahaha, "i want to wait a couple of hundred years before i have kids." that's fantastic. can you imagine???

Suzy Krause said...

aw, don't be depressed! we're young young young! :)
{and thanks!}

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha thanks for catching the cake pun. every year, i treat myself to a little "birthday cake", and i always think i'm so funny and no one really ever gets it.
and i agree--25 is a perfect age. i think i might stay here forever.

Suzy Krause said...

thanks caitlin!! would there be a cake with a dinosaur on it and a tablecloth with a dinosaur on it and blue party hats????

Suzy Krause said...

aw, i like when you call me pterodactyl.

Suzy Krause said...

thank you!!! yes, i think 25 is a fantastic age to be.

Suzy Krause said...

thanks michal! i really did. :)

Suzy Krause said...

thanks a bunch!!

Jillian said...


Suzy Krause said...


Sarah Rooftops said...

I would totally come to that party. And make you pterodactyl wings (ability to fly not guaranteed). Happy birthday!!!!

suzy said...

Happy birthday!!!!!! :D And I'd want to be a diplodocus. So there you go. Hope you had the BEST day.x

Caitlin said...


MySpecialAgent said...

Happy birthday!
If I were a dinosaur I'd want to be a philosoraptor.

Ashlee said...

Happy happy happy birthday my sweet blogging friend! You are right. 25 isn't very many. Although I am 26 so perhaps I am just trying to make myself feel better. Either way, it's working. Cheers!

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

Happy birthday pretty lady! And I agree 25 feels like a lot of years and hardly any all at the same time. I hope your day was amazing!

Emily said...

Happy Birthday!!! (And happy day-after-birthday, too!) Hope your day was awesome, fantastic, wonderful!

Suzy Krause said...

ooh, good choice! we could be dinosaur friends. i'd fly over and say hey and we'd go roaming.
and thanks for the birthday wishes! :D

Suzy Krause said...

sarah!! i would love pterodactyl wings!!!
and caitlin: i know everything. i promise.

Suzy Krause said...

hahah, that's fantastic! philosoraptor. :D genius.

Suzy Krause said...

thanks so much ashlee!! 26 isn't very many either. we're young chickens. :D

Suzy Krause said...

haha, thanks amy!! it was fantastic. :)

Suzy Krause said...

thanks emily!! it was all that and more. :D

AllieGirl said...

But then I catch myself wondering if EVERYONE thinks like me or if they are okay with being small or big or medium sized. Then I wonder if there really is anyone who has achieved that middle ground status where they don't feel small or big or anything. They just are. Then I realized I have lost a whole day just contemplating and I wonder if I may have accidentally set anything on fire...I had better go check. :o)

BrigittaR said...

Happy birthday!!!

Suzy Krause said...

thank you lots!!!