Monday, July 02, 2012

{farm kid}

i grew up a farm kid. Photobucket
this means, basically, that i didn't have to go to school on snow days, and that my favourite extra-curricular activity was playing in a pile of grain. it also means that i got fleas from a fox once and that i know how to make a chicken bawk after it's dead.Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket
i'm a city kid now.

this means, basically, that i walk everywhere and, in the event that i ever go into labour, i won't have to drive two hours before accidentally giving birth in the passenger seat of a car while my husband is passing a semi truck {this actually happened to someone i know from my hometown last month}. Photobucket Photobucket this weekend, for the first time in 6 months, barclay and i made the trip home for some time on the farm. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket this means, basically, fresh strawberries from the patch out front, board games in the sun porch, climbing on and singing in the grain bins, listening to coyotes howl late into the evening just outside the window, and stealthily video-taping some hutterites who snuck off the colony to jump on our trampoline.
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
maybe i'll always be a farm kid, a little bit.


larisaa said...

these pictures are amazing, suzy! that one of the dirt road? SO gorgeous.

Jen Glen said...

So I guess that means you don't want to go for a walk with me tonight. :( I also know how to make a chicken bawk after it's dead! (A farm girl told Craig's sister who told me.) And where are your glasses?

Mama Milly said...

jealous! Love the new look too, btw!

Unknown said...

it looks so pretty!

and i am liking the new blog look :)

Suzy Krause said...

thanks for the comments on the new "look". haha, can you tell i was sick in bed yesterday with nothin better to do? :)

and jen, i took my glasses off to go grain bin climbing. i'm not blind as a bat or anything, so i don't wear them all the time. i'm back in the city now; we should go for a walk soon!

Anonymous said...

Woooow, the blog looks awesome!!!

I was a sort of farmer kid, too. Maybe more a mountain kid, up in the shelter with no tv, or other technological stuff.
In my opinion if you grow up as a farmer kid, you will always stay a farmer kid.. I sometimes miss it so much!!


Anonymous said...

Looks pretty. I wish I could have come home too! (but the first picture kind of drives me nuts... Haha)

Holly Knitlightly said...

AWESOME. My Mom is a farm kid, too. haha. And Keith is, kind of. I think he was about 7 or 8 when he moved out TOWARDS the country. They didn't have a farm, though. Just a lot of land & a well and stuff, so it kind of counts. ;) I love that pond, too! Awesome.

Love the new look of your blog!

Sarah Rooftops said...

Lovely photos! And I like all the black and white and hand-drawnness of your new look; striking and unusual. :)

Suzy Krause said...

detailsjuliette: lucky! i wish i was a mountain farmer kid...that sounds much more fun than prairies farm kid. :)

anonymous: is this ceese??? and why does the first picture drive you nuts???

sarah rooftops: aw, thanks sarah. :D

Anonymous said...

haha.. yupp its me. and just because of how it lines up. the bins would be behind you. haha. but it still looks really pretty.

Dad said...
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Dad said...

Love your pictures Suzy!
thanks for the great weekend!

Suzy Krause said...

ceese: it's called a panorama! haha. that's how the yard would look if you laid it out flat... :)

dad: thank YOU for the great weekend. :) love you!

suzy said...

Such beautiful photos :)

Suzy Krause said...

thanks suzy. :D

JTay said...

ummm... and the hutterite video? ;)

Anonymous said...

Haha... I understood what it was and why you had done it... It just still looks wrong to me :) but very beautiful none the less.

Suzy Krause said...

justine! i should show you the hutterite video. maybe i'll post it sometime. it's quite cute.