Friday, August 03, 2012

{the kitchen table and what's "up"}

i've been busy every second of this week. busy with fun things and strange things and challenging things and learning things and so much caffeine and a good baby snuggle or two. it's come to a point where, when a friend asks what's new in my world or what's "up", i draw a blank and look up and to the right and say "nothing," even though i mean to say "everything." i mean, this is what my kitchen table looked like on wednesday. or tuesday. monday? tuesday.
and you should know that when the kitchen table looks like this, the rest of the house looks similar and my meals mostly consist of handfuls of crackers and chocolate chips and there's one song playing on repeat over and over in the background. i guess i'm well on my way to becoming what they call somewhat eccentric.

in movies, i feel like the eccentric people are usually very endearing and loveable, but in real life i think people are mostly just scared of them. so that's too bad.

the song on repeat in the background today is this cover of maps by the fray. i don't usually love the fray, but i always love the song maps {originally by the yeah yeah yeahs}, and this cover is right on. i appreciate a cover that sounds nothing like the original, yet maintains the important things about it.
Maps (Bonus Track) by The Fray on Grooveshark

 {here's the original, just in case you weren't already in love with it:}
  Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs on Grooveshark
ok. have a sweet weekend. i need to get back to work.


sarahannnoel said...

Yes! I always read a book or watch a movie about someone going insane and think, "Well, it's okay if I'm crazy. It's their mark of brilliance." And then I realize that they're only immortalized by their craziness later in life or after they die and that really people found them altogether impossible and difficult. So maybe I don't want to be crazy.

hannah debbie said...

dooooo your art, Suzy. It's amazing!

Caitlin said...

Yay! :) Go for it lady! Hope you had a lovely weekend.

Megs said...

The kitchen table looks like SO MUCH FUN right now!