Monday, September 03, 2012

{teaching myself patience}

i used to think that the most important part of making any kind of art--and making it well--was having massive amounts of raw talent. being born with the ability to translate what you see or feel with your fingers onto paper, or canvas, or whatever. but this week i realized it might be something else, actually. it might be patience. the willingness to sit still and try until you convey what you want to. the willingness to learn how to do something that you're not a natural at.

most of the time, i get a kick out of sitting down for five minutes and sketching something up really quickly with a thick pen and very little detail. a finished product with minimal effort. in between washing the dishes and running out the door to get groceries. something to look at and smile at and crumple up and throw away.

i am lazy; i know this about myself. i'm easily distracted and constantly needing to move on to something new. i don't use a ruler. i draw in pen because i don't feel like doing it in pencil and then going back over it. {if i make a mistake, i'll work it into the picture.} i am surprised and a little embarrassed when someone likes something i've drawn because i know it's sloppy and i know i didn't put much into it.

lately though, i'm trying to counteract my instinctual laziness.  i have been sitting down with a full french press and the short stories of f. scott fitzgerald on audio book and practising my patience. trying to notice little things and learning how to put them down on paper. trying not to rush myself and teaching my fingers not to take shortcuts. {but i still draw in pen and i still don't use a ruler. give me a break, i'm trying.}

this week, my patience project was the wallpaper in my living room. because nothing will teach you patience, artistically or otherwise, like drawing repetitious black and white flowery flourishes with a fine-tipped pen.

and nothing will make you prouder than putting some effort into something for once and having it turn out exactly the way you wanted it to.


Sarah Rooftops said...

I know exactly what you mean - I have to remind myself that it's worth spending some time and effort doing things *properly* instead of just chucking together a design that's "good enough".

But I'm not sure what you mean about wallpaper... did you draw your walls? Draw on your walls? Design your own wallpaper? I'm confused!

callie said...

Wow. :O

hannah debbie said...

ah that is so so beautiful! And your drawings are fabulous, they really are.

Jessie Thetford said...

Loved this (!) - mostly because I can relate. That wallpaper pattern above... is that the pen drawing you did?!?! If so, INSANITY. Seriously. SO GOOOOOOOOD.

Keep rocking it, Suzy.

JRose said...


JRose said...


Unknown said...

i really need to learn to be more patient sometimes and i like to think i am getting better but my isn't it hard.

Dana said...

I think my impatience is why art at his never clicked with me... But I love crafts, designing and creating.

Suzy Krause said...

haha sarah: sorry, that was a bit unclear. i mean that i sat in front of the wall and looked at the wallpaper and then copied it onto my paper, kind of. i wanted to not copy it exactly exactly, but make it look similar. the picture above is what i came up with. you can see the original post:

the rest of you: thank you thank you thank you. you are the best people in the world.

Liz said...

this is stunning! I read about a website where you can make your own designs into wallpaper- something to think about!

Nova said...

Cool, this is a lesson I need to learn. I always say I can't draw but what I mean is I can't be bothered to try.

Emily said...

Wow, this is gorgeous, Suzy! I am also so, so, so impressed by all of your work. I completely agree that quality work takes patience (which I rarely have, too), but I also think it takes an initial vision before the translation and patience even begins. You definitely have the vision!

Ashlee said...

Obviously I relate to this because I have no patience whatsoever. I find the same in my writing....9 times out of 10 I am lazy and publish the first draft of everything but SOMETIMES, when I am in the mood to be good, and in the mood to teach myself patience, I can write and rewrite and rewrite until it's better....and it turns out exactly how I wanted it to be. Love this post ;)

Giulia said...

I definitely sympathise, but that's a hell of a lot better than anything I could muster up! I thought it was the actual wall paper...

Caitlin said...

I totally know what you mean, Suzy! And I've been trying to do the same thing, in particular because I have the same issue with art. I am amazed at your wallpaper reproduction, jeez!