Wednesday, November 14, 2012

{making friends online}

Photobucket A friend was telling me the other day about a commercial she remembers watching when she was younger, one of those safety/awareness/prevention kind of things. It began with a girl chatting online with a stranger, and ended with her dying.

Well, I met Jessie Thetford online, and she hasn't killed me yet. {Not one of my best segues, I know.} In fact, not only did Jessie end up not being a greasy 40-year-old serial killer, she ended up actually being the real-life friend of a friend of my sister-in-law's, which is pretty outlandish considering we live 2,310 km from each other {google-mapsed it}. I'd say, "It's a small world after all!" but that's not all that true. The world is huge, you guys.

She's an {exhaustingly talented} artist from New Mexico, and she has this cute little blog that I love and she recently opened an Etsy shop with some amazing prints in it. I have the little llama named Tangerine {which, as you can see, is hanging above my computer until I find the right frame for it}. Click the screen shot below to check it out, or visit her blog and tell her "hi". She's a nice and lovely person, and she'd like it.


Jessie Thetford said...

Bahaha!!! I love it! And don't worry, no murder plans in my future (sheesh! that sounds so morbid! :P)

I've always been a bit nervous to do the whole "befriend a stranger online" thing, but it's hard to feel like strangers with all the cool connections we have. :)

Oh! And I love how you hung the llama! Thanks for all the love, Suzy. Seriously. :)

Caitlin said...

New Mexico IS pretty artsy, after all. I wouldn't be surprised if she lives in Santa Fe, it's SUCH an artsy town!

Allie Garcia said...

So fun! Jessie Thetford is my real life friend. And shes an amazing artist and human! Definitely not a serial killer. So cool to see you guys know eachother!

Suzy Krause said...

i agree--we're not strangers at all! :)
i love my llama so much! and your necklace is coming! i promise!!!!

Suzy Krause said...

have you been???

Suzy Krause said...

whoa! connections!!!!
do you know lindsay johnson too?? then we'd be just a little family.