Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Photobucket As my flu was settling on me yesterday, I laid on the couch and flipped through Instagram photos from 2012. There were a little over 500 of the colourful little picture tiles. A coffee date, an art project, a show, a trip.

I know people are often ragging on Instagram for being an evil tool of narcissism and for keeping people from just living their lives without worrying about pausing the moment to take a picture or think of a witty caption {and that's true sometimes, I guess}. But how cool is it to be able to sit back after a year has passed and see at least one moment from each of those 365 days?


Unknown said...

ohhhh they look so cool all together like that! i used to have instagram and i miss all of the easy ways to filter and edit pictures. oh well.

i hope you feel better soon! i was reading this post this morning, and found it very interesting that you can put hydrogen peroxide in your ears to combat the flu! who knew! http://itsahuntlife.blogspot.com/2013/01/stocking-your-natural-first-aid-kit.html

xx, kara

Sarah Rooftops said...

Very awesome. I sometimes get bored of looking at *other people's* Instagrams because, you know, that cup of coffee has no significance for me, but little moments from MY life? Love them.

Nova said...

Agreed. I use printstagram every few months and get 252 stickers made of random moments from my days, then I stick 'em into my journal. It's really cool illustration to my life story in a way. It just shows the little stupid details I'd forget or not bother writing about.

Caitlin said...

I totally agree about Instagram - it's only evil and ridiculous if you let it be :) I like being able to capture random moments and share them. Love the tiles :)

Suzy Krause said...

innnnnteresting!! i went and checked the link out. it doesn't make sense, but hey: i'll try anything to not feel like that ever again...

Suzy Krause said...

totally. haha, and i don't think it's necessarily narcissistic to say so! it's...introspective. or something.

Suzy Krause said...

THAT is the coolest idea and use for instagram i've ever heard. you have the comment of the day.

Suzy Krause said...

exactly. like everything else: if you use it well, it's a sweet tool. :) i hate when people call something evil just because they saw someone misuse it once. boooo.

Brenda C. Boylan said...

You probably don't need to hear anymore flu remedies, but I just wanted to put this out there just in case. Whenever you feel any kind of sick, flu, cold, ear infection, whatever, take zinc.
Overdose on it in fact. It works for me about 85% of the time.
Also there is this weird viral thing I have heard about how garlic and onions cut up can help. Sounds hokey to me, but I am willing to try anything at least once. Here is a link to it if you are interested: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/onion-flu-remedy/

Suzy Krause said...

oh man, i'll take any flu remedy anyone will give me!!! thank you!