Tuesday, January 01, 2013

{happy new year}

 {I forgot to say Merry Christmas, so Merry Christmas, too.}

I'm curled up under my covers watching the battery on my laptop drain. Wiggling my toes to keep my feet from falling asleep. Trying to be introspective without getting too mushy about it. Listening to the saddest music I can find because it makes me happy. I think.

Wading through Facebook statuses and blog posts and snarky tweets about New Year Resolutions. Considering.

Everyone seems to be either really mad at 2012 or completely in love with it. Excited for 2013 to be even half as good or aching for a new year as though that will put some kind of emotional wall between them and this past one.

And so, of course, I start thinking about the new year and the old year and what's changed and what hasn't. I scroll way back in this blog to January 1, 2012 and read:

...i want to be absolutely, honestly, seriously content with where i am, and who i am, and what and who i have. i want to sit in it like an oversized beanbag chair and enjoy just being here instead of running around, up and down the stairs looking for things that aren't even in the house.

2012 might be easy. it might be hard. good or bad or weird or fun or short or long or whatever. but i'm sure i will be much more able to face whatever it is it's going to be if i don't have my heart set on what i think it should be.

they say not to wish your life away. "be where you are".

You know how sometimes you pray that you'll learn something or that you'll grow in some way and then life gets tricky and you don't know why and then you realize that maybe it's just your prayers being answered?

So 2012 has been a year of answered prayers. Lessons learned and at least a little growth. I think.

And here's to 2013. I don't hope it's easier. I hope it's stretching and hard and beautiful in the way that those things usually are if they're handled well. I hope I grow and learn. I hope I'm strong enough to ask for lessons and then, when they come, to be a good student.

anyway, happy new year and all that jazz, you know: may you run out into the wild 2013 with your arms flailing above you and your eyes wide open, happy to be on a good, level path if you've got one, but ready to hang-glide off a cliff if that's what's in front of you. or whatever. and stuff.


hannah debbie said...

happy new year to you<3

Anonymous said...

happy new year to you, too xxxo

Suzy Krause said...

:D Thanks Debbie! :)

Suzy Krause said...

:D Thanks Petra!

kalie brynn. said...

i like all of this, but i really love this: "I hope I'm strong enough to ask for lessons and then, when they come, to be a good student." that - that is really something. i think that is a wonderful way to live. do you mind if, perhaps, i adopt that? happy new hear, suzy!

Ashlee said...

"i want to sit in it like an oversized beanbag chair and enjoy just being here instead of running around, up and down the stairs looking for things that aren't even in the house."

Yes. This. Happy new year, friend.

Sarah Rooftops said...

Happy New Year, Suzy! I hope it's kind (and exciting). x

Anonymous said...

I think I want my new years resolution to be your new years resolution from last year. I like the way you said it, "...i want to be absolutely, honestly, seriously content with where i am, and who i am, and what and who i have" Yep, that sums it up. Thanks Suzy!

- Erika

Suzy Krause said...

oh, absolutely. adopt away! :D
also: i loved YOUR new years post too. so good.

Suzy Krause said...

happy new year to you, too! :) thanks for hanging about!

Suzy Krause said...

happy new year sarah! i hope yours is the very same. :)

Suzy Krause said...

aw, thanks erika! i think i still have a bunch to learn in the contentment department...maybe this year will be round two? yikes.

Caitlin said...

Beautiful post. Happy f'ing New Year, doll.

ktpland said...

Happy New Year Miss! X

Anonymous said...

I know I am seven years late to this post but: this is the best resolution for 2013 I think I've read. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

(not sure if this went through the first time)
I know I'm about seven years late to this post but I think this is the best resolution for 2013 I've read. Lovely.

Suzy Krause said...

happy new year to you too!!!!

Suzy Krause said...

thanks! same to you!!!!

Suzy Krause said...

haaha, better late than never!
and thanks. :)