Thursday, February 14, 2013

{the big pink elephant}

PhotobucketLet's not ignore the big pink elephant in the room; it's Valentine's Day.

Some of you are groaning, and some of you have that heart-eye thing going on, but whoever you are or whatever your situation, surely you don't mind listening to good old love songs... So, you know, I made a wee playlist for you. I want you to listen to each song and mentally insert your own name in place of every "you", and pretend I'm the one singing.

I'm just kidding, obviously. That would probably accelerate our relationship in a super creepy way.

Anyway. Happy V-Day.

{Click on any song below to go to the playlist on Grooveshark}
1. All I Need - Radiohead
2. Mr. Polite - The Jungle Giants
3. Radar Detector - Darwin Deez
4. You Remind Me - Andy Shauf
5. Listen Close - Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
6. Song for You - Alexi Murdoch
7. Let You Break - William Fitzsimmons
8. Do You Realize?? - The Flaming Lips
9. There is A Light that Never Goes Out - The Smiths
10. Transatlanticism - Death Cab for Cutie
11. The Girl - City and Colour
12. Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
13. Brighter Than Sunshine - Aqualung

Oh! And click here to see the best Valentines I've ever, ever seen.


Magical Daydream said...

I didn't really check Facebook. I did get hugs from almost-strangers because I baked them heart-shaped cookies. That was kind of sweet in a weird way. Happy Valentine's Day.

Caitlin said...

Awesome playlist friend :) Happy Valentine's Day! I'm somewhere in between the groaning and heart eyes. :)

BrigittaR said...

Groan (in a completely non-cynical-but-my-husband-is-away-this-week kinda way),

callie said...

You like good music.

amy said...

Aw! You made me giggle. This is such a beautiful playlist. Love songs make the world go round :)

sending you happy spells


Suzy Krause said...

hahaha that's super cute! and so nice of you to bake cookies for strangers. i didn't do that. sigh.

Suzy Krause said...

haha i'm there too. i feel like people make too big of a deal about how other people choose to celebrate it. and i feel like people make too big of a show of how THEY choose to celebrate it. silly, silly people. :)

Suzy Krause said...

oh dang! no fun. you'll have to make up for it when he comes back?

Suzy Krause said...

oh good!!!! i'm glad to hear that.
i think you like good music too, just so you're assured as well.

Suzy Krause said...

whoa, thank you for the happy spells! :)