Tuesday, October 22, 2013

{send flowers}

 photo 165CA544-067F-473D-8FAE-DDF830CBBE97-1306-000000A4159105BB_zps2560e0b6.jpg There's a skiff of snow on the lawn, the roof, the streets. We've dipped down into the minus temperatures and the sky is the colour of your face when you're very, very afraid. But the grass is still green and there are floridly orange leaves clinging to the shivering branches of the apple tree in my backyard.

It's too early to lament the coming of winter, but fall is definitely on its deathbed.

Send flowers and say your goodbyes.


Holly Knitlightly said...

Crazy. We're supposed to get flurries later this week. As much as I love snow, the leaves are still on the trees! Haha.

How ya feeling, momma?! (I still need colours!! haha.)

Suzy Krause said...

i know! winter always comes so fast... i bet this'll be over quick and we'll have some nice weather in november though. the first snow never sticks!

and thanks for asking! i'm feeling pretty good!--just about to head into the third trimester, which is a tad terrifying, honestly. but exciting. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Suzy. That's nothing. We're dipping to 9 degrees celsius tonight!! You don't know the meaning of the word cold!!! *cue more half inch snow pictures being sent to you soon* Haaaaa xx

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha--oh you and your unbearable winters! i'm amazed you're not just a big block of ice!