Thursday, November 21, 2013

{on location}

 photo 5AFD30AB-8841-4683-9F85-CF2704E45449_zpspeczvwt8.jpg About a month ago, the local cable channel called to ask if I could be the on-location reporter for the Grey Cup stuff happening in town this year.

I said, "Well, I don't really like or follow football." Because I'm not athletic at all and I don't get sports and I don't get people who are all fanatical about them. And if you know anything at all about Regina, the Roughriders, or the Grey Cup, you'd know that 'fanatical about them' is probably the biggest understatement of all time. I said, as an afterthought, "Actually, I really hate football. Is that okay?"

And they said, "That's okay; you should just pretend you like it when you're on the camera."

And I said, "Okay."

And then I hung up the phone and said, "Why did I say okay?" to my empty kitchen. My appliances just looked back at me, blankly. They probably thought I was crazy.

But, yesterday, there I was right in the thick of a massive crowd of green and white, wearing a CFL toque, a media badge, and a grossly over-sized football jersey that said Access 7 on it. A middle-aged woman with green paint on her face was screaming in my right ear and a college guy in a green kilt and wig was hollering in my left. My co-host was distressed about the size of our jerseys (when we'd been given them, the producer had asked us, "Large or X-Large?"), and the cameraman was distressed that I kept calling the extro an outro. There is, apparently, no such thing as an outro. But I'd never heard that before.
 photo 0EC62695-1CA9-4FAC-91AB-2AB0D17810AB_zpsbgvunscf.jpg I just kept pretending I loved football. I even sort of cheered when they brought the Grey Cup out. I did not, however, cheer for the mascot when he made his grand entrance--he is a nameless man inside of a giant stuffed gopher, and that felt like a bit of a stretch for me.

Anyway. It was alright. It actually at points kind of felt like a Juno week reunion; I ran into a bunch of the same reporters and cameramen, and even saw this guy again. Except, instead of Much Music and Metric, it was TSN and Wes Cates. And instead of taking pictures for blog posts and running the media centre, I was in front of the camera getting interviews and footage for an hour-long football special.

I'm headed back in a few minutes. I'm still in my sweats and haven't done my hair or eaten lunch, so excuse me if this post ends off on a weird, unfinished note. I gotta go get ready. Like now.

Go, football. Right?


Mrs. Wilson said...

You make me smile. And your baby bump is adorable!

Hannah Leanne said...

Ooohhh stop it. You do so understand why people are fanatical about sports. It's for the same reason that you are fanatical about live music. Those people are doing something you admire and get excited about. It's fun, entertaining, and physically or creatively amazing! Furthermore, that picture is fantastic (i.e. worth getting fanatical about).

Jen Glen said...

I totally called it! I said to Craig, "I wonder if Suzy has a job for the Grey Cup like she did for the Junos?" Go Miss Regina! (Or should that be Mrs?) You amaze me, I love it. And you looked wonderful in that huge, oversized jersey with your belly popping out!

Caitlin said...

Look at your belly! I love it :) I don't know anything about CFL so rock on for pretending you do! :)

Niken said...

don't hate me, but i LOVE football. but when i say football it means soccer in US of A.
i'm sure you did great though. that's sounds fun to me

Suzy Krause said...

aw garsh; thanks jen!

Suzy Krause said...

oh, i totally 'understand' someone being really into football. holding season tickets maybe, cheering really loud at the tv, not wanting to miss a game. i don't care for it personally, but there are lots of things that i don't care for that other people do. what i don't get (not saying i think it's wrong or bad or anything like that, just that i don't get it) is this level of fanaticism about it. when i say fanatical, i mean it quite literally: extreme zeal. thousands of dollars spent, costumes, face/body paint, taking a week off of work to party in celebration of your team, etc.. you should've seen this event and met the people there. it was INSANE. and, since i'm not a football fan even a little, i don't get it.

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha well thanks! that thing was like a tent! we felt hilarious. :)

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha, i pretended like a pro. totally convincing. (not) (oh well)

Suzy Krause said...

of COURSE i don't hate you for that! haha! i'm just such an athletic dud. for real. :)
also: i'd way rather watch soccer than football.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing! I bet you were awesome. And everyone is right, your baby bump looks fab in that oversized jersey!

ktpland said...

Only just getting a chance to catch up on months of your blog...where did the time go?! Congrats on the 'bump' news! Exciting stuff! :-) x

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha, i don't know about awesome; i had some pretty fantastically awkward on-camera moments. but. it WAS an experience!
and thank you. :)

Suzy Krause said...

haha, thanks! the time has been going extra fast's craziness.

Unknown said...

heehee...I love football!!! You should've invited me out and I could've been your "special correspondant" giving the Winnipeg perspective...LOL...that would've been something special :)
PS. I think they could've cut costs and ordered only one jersy and you both could've fit in there! But you look adorable anyways!

Unknown said...

you look amazing with your bump. thank you so much for stopping by and for leaving such a personal comment. all the best to you and the exciting new part of your life that is about to unfold. x

Suzy Krause said...

that would've been SO fantastic! next time, for sure. in fact, they're looking for someone to replace me come

Suzy Krause said...

aw, thanks so much monica! :)