Monday, November 04, 2013


It's snowing outside and the roads are all glassy. I'm happy with it though, because I'm tucked away in my office drinking cocoa and working on stuff that doesn't involve driving anywhere. Bad weather is always so pretty from not out in it.

I got an email from Society6 this week announcing the option of adding mugs to the shop. They're pricey, but I decided to make some anyway. (Because I needed to procrastinate on something while I figured out how to go about it. Now I need to get on that other thing, but it's always nice to have something to step away to when you hit a brain block.) And then I found that, while I'd been completely ignoring Soc6 in much the same way as I've been largely ignoring most social media lately, they added tote bags and throw pillows to the mix also. Plenty of procrastination material there.

{Do any of you have Society6 shops? They're so much fun. You just post your stuff, and then people buy it and the money shows up in your account at the end of the month. If you don't have one, consider it. If you do have one, leave me a link in the comments so I can see! Mine's here:}

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Sydney said...

ooh la la i love the mugs! :)

Suzy Krause said...

aw, thanks sydney! :)

Unknown said...

Sweet stuff. Any way to get It Is Well on a mug?

Suzy Krause said...

hey leslie! i put it on a mug here ( i don't know how well it translated, but you can peek at it anyway. and for how overpriced they are, definitely don't buy one if you're planning on it until free shipping week (save yourself $10!). that usually happens every couple of weeks. :)

Niken said...

gah...i'm totally in love with the mugs.....

Suzy Krause said...

aw garsh. thanks niken! :)