Thursday, September 11, 2014


I don't like Katy Perry, but I think I heard her song Dark Horse in the mall or something yesterday. I had it in my head all day. And last night, I dreamt that I made this meme thing about it. So this morning, while eating breakfast and listening to U2's new album (which I actually quite liked, and which features Lykke Li, of all people, on a track) I made the dream meme in real life.

And what are internet memes for if not for sharing on the internet? Here:

So, I don't know, a glimpse into my psyche.

While I had the Photoshop up and running, I pasted Barclay's face into an old staff picture of the company he's working for now (he switched jobs around the same time Van was born) and sent it to his boss. It's their cover picture on Facebook now, so I guess I'm really good at Photoshop. You can hire me, if you want.


Caitlin said...

Hahahaha this post made me laugh out loud.

Suzy Krause said...

oh good. ;)

larisaa said...

I'm laughing so hard at this because do you want to know what I thought those lyrics were for like ever until basically a week ago? "Do you want to play with my jeep?" Instead of, "Do you want to play with magic." Yeaaaaah.

JTay said...

That last picture made me chuckle. And then I'd spontaneously think of it later and chuckle some more. heh heh...

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha. you should make a meme too!!

Suzy Krause said...

you and me both. and barclay giggled over it too.