Monday, March 23, 2015

Working Out

I work out now.

Like, I'm one of those people, the kind who gets up in the morning and does all kinds of strenuous, horrible things which technically constitute exercise. If you were sitting in the next room over, though, you'd just hear a lot of clumsy-sounding bumps and me saying, "UGGHHHH SHE HATES US ALLLLLL," and, "I HATE YOU TOOOOOOOO," a lot.

When I say 'she', I'm referring to the lady whose online workout program I'm, you know, 'doing'. I'm not here to shill for  people, but if you email me for the info I'll send you there. It's a really good one: free, less than half an hour per day, good for limited space and equipment, and kills you very dead. I feel like I may have even grown a muscle. Actually, at this moment, I feel like I am a muscle. I feel almost...invincible. Like Jillian Michaels except not anything like Jillian Michaels.

Anyway. I have a love/hate relationship with the whole thing. I hate working out, but I love having worked out, but I hate admitting to people that I work out, but I feel like I should be proud of it, too. Physical fitness is complicated.

But blogs are for complicated feelings, so here we are.


Another thing I've been working out is my radio voice. I got asked to go on CBC Radio 1's The Morning Edition last week and give a little concert review for that Dan Mangan show I went to. I even got to pick a song and intro it. (I picked Starts With Them, Ends With Us, obviously.)

I've always wanted to be a radio DJ. Did you know that about me? In a picture perfect world, I'd have a thirty minute radio show. I wouldn't say much, but I'd get to pick all of the music and I'd intro it and fade it in and out, and that would be enough for me. Like Ryan Seacrest except not anything like Ryan Seacrest.

However, since that whole radio DJ thing isn't going to happen for me (if you've heard me speak in real life you know why), I treasured my five precious minutes of air time like crazy. And a few of my friends texted to say that they heard me, and that was also cool.

So that's me lately. Living the dream for about five minutes and just sweating a lot the rest of the time. C'est la vie. 


Unknown said...

I do love you. That was very entertaining.

Kirsten said...

I'd love to know the name of the workout! How can I email you?

Caitlin said...

I bet you'd be a great radio DJ and I say that without even hearing your voice! So cool you got asked to do that. Also, good for you for working out. That is one thing I still haven't gotten up the motivation to do.

Sarah M said...

Oh, yeah, what's with the not wanting to admit to working out thing? I'm the same. It took me ages to say I did pilates without cushioning the statement in justifications. Why is it embarrassing to admit we're taking care of our bodies?! Why do we have to pretend being healthy and slim takes no effort?

Nova said...

That's great! Do you have a radio persona/voice? haha "Suzy Savage in the AM"

Suzy Krause said...

thank you so much!

Suzy Krause said...

i see you've figured that out. let me know what you think and if you do it! (if you're already a crazy hardcore fitness freak though, try to remember that my idea of a hard workout is probably different than...well, EVERYONE's... ;) )

Suzy Krause said...

hhahaa welp. i don't even know where the motivation came from in the first place, but this workout is pretty "easy" (in that i don't need to get a gym membership or take a bunch of time out of my day). so. if you wanna tryyyy it, let me know... ;)

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha totally! what is with us? i think for me, it's that i've spent so much time being very openly anti-gym, so admitting that i "work out" (it's really hard to drop those quotation marks) is awkward. plus i feel like i'm not athletic enough to actually say that i "work out". you know? i feel like a big poser.

Suzy Krause said...

hahahahha suzy savage. savage suzy. smiling suzy. i could have a morning show and call it "wake up little suzy" like the song. orrrrr....

yeah. i think i'd get someone else to name it for me. i got nothin.

Unknown said...

"I hate working out, but I love having worked out" - STORY. OF. MY. LIFE

Suzy Krause said...

if only there was a way to have worked out without working out. sigh.

Holly Knitlightly said...

You definitely need a radio show. Get on that!!!