Thursday, April 21, 2016

Come In, Come In

(If you find yourself confused by this post, part I is here; maybe read that first)

My parents have been keeping me updated on the house progress via text and picture messages (for example, one day I got a text from Dad that said, "I think I got the flue!" accompanied by a selfie of him working on the chimney - he's never been one to shy away from a good dad joke. Or any other kind of dad joke.)

It's no small thing to move an old three-storey farmhouse 228 km, so there's lots to share, but I feel like most of you are just kind of itching to see the inside of this place. Let's call these the 'before' pictures, even though there'd already been a fair amount of work done before I took them.


Here's the front porch.

Step inside and to your left, and you're in the main floor's only bedroom. The next pictures are the dining room, living room, kitchen, butler's pantry, and staircase to the second floor.

(Hint: Look down if you're confused about which room you're in - no two floors are alike in this place.)

The second floor has four bedrooms and a bathroom - again, keep an eye on the floors. (The skateboard in the one bedroom did not come with the house. Mom and Dad have been using it to haul the cast-iron radiators out of the rooms they're working on. Those things are heavy.)

Last but not least: the attic, which is going to be one big bedroom.

And that's it. Or, a very condensed snapshot of it, anyway. More to come!


Unknown said...

I am in LOVE with this house! I cannot believe it was only $500. I can only hope that one day a random coincidence like this will happen in my life. It is stunning.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing, what a cool place to live!

Sarah M said...

This is amazing - what an adventure!

Suzy Krause said...

I know, right? I'm in love with it too. Sigh.

Suzy Krause said...

Agreed - I can't wait to see how it ends up.

Suzy Krause said...

Haha! Adventure is a good word for it.

Holly Knitlightly said...

So cool!! I just love the whole story behind it, haha. I'm loving that you are allowing us to follow along!

Jen Glen said...

Truly beautiful. Where are your parents living while they do this? And I want to hear the moving it story. Sounds equally as fantastic!

Suzy Krause said...

Well, they've sold the farm and the house, but they still get to live there for another year. So they'll just be at home while they work like crazy to get it livable, and then they'll keep working on it after they've moved in!

Unknown said...

Its so beautiful! Can't wait to see the progress! :) and THAT TUB!! Love!

Christa Marcotte said...

So nice to see such history being looked after and loved again! My house is 90 years old and I love the character and charisma a home has when labour and sweat turns the house into a home again! If I lived a little closer I'ld come and give a hand!! Can't wait to see what they do next!