Thursday, June 02, 2016

Farmhouse Update #1

I went to the farm a couple of weekends ago and Mom took me to see what she's been up to on that old farmhouse. It's slow work right now; she's currently stripping the white-yellow paint off all of that beautiful old wood. Can you say 'tedious?' (I don't doubt you can, you bright young thing.)

She's already done the bannisters on the staircase and the doorway between the living room and the dining room. Next: baseboards.

Want to see some before and afters?



And the staircase... BEFORE:



Cat said...

Wow! What a treasure to restore! But, yes...tedious seems like the right word here.

Marisa said...

That woodwork is beautiful! Stripping paint is such a hassle but you can see how it's so worth it! Props to your mom!

Jen Glen said...

How in the world is she going to do all those rungs?!

Cheryl said...

Fun! I still can't wrap my mind around the house being moved so far.

Suzy Krause said...


Suzy Krause said...

So worth it. I'm SO glad I don't have to do it.
hahaha. I didn't get my mom's renovation genes...

Suzy Krause said...

I think she's actually going to leave them. They look kind of neat in real life against the wood. But we'll see!

Suzy Krause said...

So crazy. I'm amazed it survived that trip...

Anonymous said...

wow, looks like a lot of work, but also a labor of love!

Michelle said...

I just have the most powerful crush on this monstrosity of a house.

Ann Ehnert said...

Gorgeous but what a project! Excited to see how it progresses. Would love to do something like that, especially with something that has such awesomely gorgeous and strong bones as this.