Friday, November 03, 2017

Fall 2017

The front door of my house was frozen shut this morning. My car door too. And my eyes, as well.

(I'm so tired, is what I'm saying.)

When I came into the kitchen, a full hour after Barclay and Sully woke up, Barclay said, "It's Charlie Brown snowing out there." This, of course, was in reference to the size and speed of the snowflakes falling from the sky. Big, slow, slightly cartoony. Sully, however, thought Barclay meant that it was snowing Charlie Browns. Which is a different thing entirely.

(And an amazing mental picture.)

So I guess it's winter in Saskatchewan now. Fall was nice; it was fast and full. Warm. Orange. I took it for granted, as always, and will spend the next few months feeling sad that I didn't take more walks while I still could.

One of these years, I'm going to do autumn right. I'm going to go for at least one walk every day, lay on the sidewalk in front of my house and stare at the red leaves for hours on end, take a bath in a vat of pumpkin spice whatever. This year, however, it's officially too late. It's Charlie Brown snowing out there.

RIP, Fall 2017. Here's a playlist of the songs I will remember you by:


Anonymous said...

I always love your playlists so much. That cover of 1979 is sweet.

Chelsea said...

I'm jealous that you get winter. Where I'm from, it's just summer all the time.

Unknown said...

Oh my, we have literally JUST stepped into some slightly cooler weather (and fall).

Suzy Krause said...

I like it too; so chill.

Suzy Krause said...

I'd like that, except spiders seem to thrive in that climate...

Suzy Krause said...

It's November! Get with it, Vegas! ;)