Monday, February 15, 2021

Jessikah & Keysha

Well hey! I'm just popping in to brag about a couple of talented people I know and love. These amazing women (who were about three years old maybe four hours ago, I swear) are my cousins (one from my mom's side and one from my dad's) and they've both put songs out into the world this month. I'm really proud of them. Writing a song is hard. Putting that song in front of other people is harder—but maybe it's easier when your voice is as beautiful as theirs? 

I've shared both of these on Instagram but I'm sharing here too and I'll probably continue to plaster their music everywhere as long as they make it. And when this pandemic is over and they start playing shows I'm pretty excited to be their embarrassing older cousin who sits near the stage and knows all the words. 

Jessikah, Keysha: You should collab. Love you both. 

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