Wednesday, September 14, 2011

{blog crashed thrice}

i didn't blog yesterday because i had to do some other stuff. i make no apologies--i'm having quite the time trying to get everything done and still have time to do everything else.

that's why it's fantastic that hannah is crashing the blog today. i like this episode especially much. {favourite moments: 4:08ish and 4:16}


two things:

1) that shameless self-promotion at the end? "i'll come do blog crashers on your blog." i admit to feelings of selfishness and jealousy at the thought of hannah vlogging anywhere else but here. HANNAH: YOU'RE MINE.

2) the 'i didn't know i was pregnant' thing? i totally met somebody this weekend that that happened to. my mom also has a friend that that happened to. i'm becoming increasingly paranoid that one of these days i'm going to fall over and have a baby in extra foods. and now this story about the girl with the heart condition and the pickles! i JUST ate a pickle. i'm not even kidding.

baby blogging, here i come.


Anonymous said...

I SAW THAT EPISODE!!! haha it was ridiculous. Hannah you are super funny!
And I have the same fear Suzy, but I'm still a virgin! So its kind of a ridiculous fear lol

RIPplePuddle said...

I want to blog crash!

Oh, and I refuse to lose you to the baby blogging genre. It's just unacceptable;)

Sarah Rooftops said...

I have that same fear - especially as I get periods maybe once every three years; I could have skipped nine months' worth and not have a clue! And it happened to TWO of my sisters friends who hadn't even put on visible weight. *shudder*

Anonymous said...

Suzy! had to tell you, No Spend Week IS hard... i broke it last night because i bought new knitting needles and yarn but I'm not feeling guilty about it!

Anonymous said...

Suzy! had to tell you, No Spend Week IS hard... i broke it last night because i bought new knitting needles and yarn but I'm not feeling guilty about it!

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha shelby: well if it happens to YOU then everybody's in trouble! yikes!

carla: don't worry, i don't think i'll ever be a baby blogger. even when/if i have a kid. one day i'll be like, oh by the way i gave birth yesterday and you'll all be like, whaaat? and i'll be like, carrying on...

sarah: yikes!!! my fear amplifies every time someone tells me something like that! i get a tummy ache and think i'm going into labour...

Suzy Krause said...

also shelby again: for real--i don't know if i could do no spending for a week! i'm too needy...

Anonymous said...

Hannah...I love you. That is all :)

Liz said...

hahaha she's hilarious!

anna said...

i didn't know i was pregnat is basically one of the best/weridest shows on tv. i have always been fascinated by it.
also hannah is hilarious.