Friday, September 09, 2011

{lauren + nick}

my friend lauren is getting married tomorrow, and because i'm the matron of honour, i got to throw her a shower. 

and, because i'm a big fat NERD, i spent the day before the shower researching {i really love researching} the history of marriage and wedding traditions and made up a quick trivia game to play. in each envelope of the banner, there was a multiple choice question, and if lauren got the question right, she got a prize. if she got it wrong, she had to give her prize to a shower guest. 

you guys, there are so many things that we do at weddings "because it's what you do" that have such funny origins. from which finger you wear the ring on, to why the bridesmaids all wear the same dresses.

for example: did you know that back in the day, neighbouring tribes would often try to steal the bride? for this reason, the bride would have "bridesmaids" who would all dress the same as her and act as kind of decoys and maybe even get kidnapped in place of the bride. i'm not sure why it was ok if these poor bridesmaids got stolen but not ok if the bride did. anyway, in that day, you would probably not want your best friend standing up for you. because she might end up gone and stuff.

ok, and furthermore, i found out that {because of all the bride-stealing} the "groomsmen" were actually all expert swordsmen, hired to protect the bride, and the "best man" was just the best swordsman. 

the whole wedding party thing was kind of a war tactic. interesting. 

but the point is not that.

these are my cupcakes, of which i am most proud. i've never really liked icing things the way they're supposed to be iced. i mostly just make pudding and add things to it and use that for icing. 
for these ones, i made a packet of pudding and added a whole container of raspberries. 

these are my pretend polaroids. because pretend things are often cheaper than real things, especially when you don't even own a polaroid camera. i know, what kind of a blogger AM i? 
i printed off some engagement pictures on yellow cardstock and glued them to white paper. cheater.

we had a quick dinner party and present opening and trivia game and then headed off into the night for the stagette. which was cool, because the bridal party is cool. i just hope that i didn't get picked because lauren doesn't mind if someone steals me. and i hope the best man is handy with a sword.

i got home early this morning and found a loaf of bread in a brown paper bag with my name on it on my front doorstep. 
i'm going to go ahead and say that the evening was successful.

now, forth! onto the wedding day!


Jamie said...

I love the idea of pudding on cupcakes! And I love the interesting facts you shared. Who would have known?!

Have sooo much fun at the wedding! <3 I can't wait to see pictures.

Emily V. said...

Wow! This looks like so much fun! I love reading about the reason behind all the old traditions and stuff. One of my particular favorites -- the reason people wanted to be married in June: because they had their yearly bath in May, and still smelled pretty good. (Also, part of the reason the bride carried a bouquet) :P
Btw, love the cupcakes! So cute! I bet they're yummy, too. :)

Jillian said...

Really really cute.
I love that you researched weddings, that is just the type of thing that I would do too. :)
You did a fabulous job.

don't get stolen. ;)

Anonymous said...

omg, I'd love for you to throw me a shower! Everything's so adorable.

Suzy Krause said...

jamie: you need to try it! pudding icing is my FAVOURITE. and you can eat more of it without feeling bad cuz it's "better" for you than icing.

emily: haha! that one was actually included in my trivia game. love it. :)

jillian: i will try to be quick on my feet tomorrow so as not to get stolen, per your request. :)

debbie: well get married and fly me down! haha!

April said...

Looks like you did an amazing job putting her shower together. I love the game you made up!!

Sarah Rooftops said...

I love the fake Polaroids!

Oddly, I thought groomsmen were some modern American thing to make men feel more involved - I've never been to a wedding in the UK where there was anything other than a best man! Oh well, that shows me!

Suzy Krause said...

aw, thanks april. :)

sarah: they only have one guy on the groom's side there??? whaaat?

larisaa said...

love weddings. and traditions are crazy! if you had not shared you cheating secret about the polaroids, i would never have known! they look so good!

Magical Daydream said...

Haha who would have thought war tactics to be essential to a wedding. Speaking of war tactics, when I was in Thailand I read about this general in a museum. He would use psychological warfare: at night when his enemy was asleep he would smuggle all his troops out and make them arrive at the camp the next morning again; making it look like they had an enormous army! So funny...

Suzy Krause said...

thanks larissa. :)

marielle: i love learning stuff like that!

nova said...

That was really interesting! And makes sense, I always wondered why on earth weddings needed people to stand there beside the bride and groom.

Suzy Krause said...
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Suzy Krause said...

crazy hey? now the better question is: aside from the witnesses you need to sign the official papers...why do we have all these massive bridal parties up there with us? i mean, considering people don't try and steal brides much anymore.

Jen Glen said...

If I was to get married again (to my wonderful hubby of course, wouldn't want it any other way) I would definitely have you do the decorations for my shower and make me cheater polaroids with the engagement pics and then I would most definitely dress up the men like knights and give them all swords! How much fun would that be! We should really start having themed weddings, and the theme should always be the middle ages!

Suzy Krause said...

wellllll i'll make you cheater polaroids with baby bump pics! :)

Holly Knitlightly said...

I LOVE those facts. Awesome! Tell us more! Bahaha.

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha holly--it's so fascinating! google 'wedding trivia'