Friday, December 02, 2011

game #2

answer: calgary, alberta. good guessing, all. you are very good sports. we were on our way then to where we are now...

round two?


erin e flynn said...

wahhh.... i dunno where you are, but i want to be there!


Anonymous said...

my lucky guess would be Scotland :)

Alivia said...

Hah, I have absolutely no idea, but that goose? I need him. Can you pretty please bring him back with you?

nova said...


Kiersten said...

I won't say cuz I know .. but I'm SO excited that you're where you are!! :) Can't wait to hear all about it!

sarahannnoel said...

You are cute and having so much fun!

Ed said...

CALGARY?! Come to EDMONTON!!! Come harass me at work! I could give you a tour of the inner workings of your favourite station! (at least I think I'm allowed to?)

Liv said...

scotland?!?!?! where?!?!?!?

Carmen said...

Are you in SCOTLAND??!

Caitlin said...

Beautiful pictures! That first one especially is amazing.

larisaa said...

AHHH!!! i want to be there! wherever "there" is. is that the first time you've been on the "wrong" side of the road? i remember mine and i think i had a heart attack because it's not natural in the least bit. Have so much fun wherever you are!

Celeste said...

hmm scotland? somewhere in the UK...

Magical Daydream said...

Aah I lived in Calgary as a kid for about 3 years! Fond memories :) Now I live in The Netherlands..



FIL said...

Is it cheating if I already know?

Melanie said...

loooove your blog!!!

Jen Glen said...

I just found out today where you two are!!! (I won't say so I don't spoil it for all the guessers!) I very much love having a new baby, but very much do not love that it has caused me to lose touch with my friends. Miss you. Looking forward to the day when you can come over and hang out with me and Will and we can catch up. HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!

Kara said...

omg so beautiful! also, side note, i love your beanie ;)

you and barclay are the cuuutest... have fun on your getaway!

xx, kara

Unknown said...

Such gorgeous photos! I love the one of the entire city. Breathtaking.

Jamie said...

Yaaaaay!!!! This is amazing! =] I can't wait until I can go on a trip to another country!