Tuesday, December 06, 2011

{hey ho!}

you guys! i don't have a lot of internet time or anything, but i thought i'd hop in and say hi. i'm broadcasting live from edinburgh, scotland {can't believe how many people guessed scotland just from those three pictures}, and i am loving it. i might not ever come back across the pond.
trains, buses, ferries, castle ruins, new friends & family. good times.


Brandi said...

SO JEALOUS!!! Have fun :)

Ashlee said...

You are having way too much fun missy. It's making me excited for our next trip, even though New York isn't nearly as glamorous as Scotland!

larisaa said...

SUUUUPER jealous. that picture is awesome. don't come back, we'll all just come to you. =]

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous!

Caitlin said...

Wow, Scotland! I'd LOVE to go there. Enjoy! :)

nova said...

I'm so jealous!!! :) WHY ARE YOU THERE? Did you bring the bracelet I made? haha

sarahannnoel said...

Sending immense jealousy your way.
Have fun, love! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Sarah Rooftops said...

Ah, my favourite city! I'll be there again in two weeks (I visit, like, five times a year) and I can't wait. Did you go to Camera Obscura? Love it.

Emily said...

YAY! I've never been but I so, so, so want to go. Have a great time!!

Jamie said...

Amazing!! <3 That picture is awesome. =]