Tuesday, January 10, 2012

{makeovers in the key of teal}

i've always been a big fan of change. 
a change of scenery, a change of pace, pocket change, changing my mind, change of clothes, changing the sheets, job change, town change, key change for dramatic effect, etcetera. 

right after high school, i moved to a different town once every four-six months. i loved meeting new people, setting up a new home, finding a new job, wandering new streets and exploring new neighbourhoods. 

but i guess there comes a time for settling down, putting roots into the ground and soaking up the nutrients, or whatever, there. it's healthy. it makes for deeper relationships, inside jokes and coffee shops you can be a regular at. 

i still look for ways to change things up a little bit here and there. i think that's good for you too. 

this winter, we did a bathroom renovation. you know. so that i can go and sit in the tub and pretend like we moved to a new house.
{and because of other, more actually good reasons.}

before and after pictures?


this is from two years ago when we bought the place. blue toilet seat. sawdust insulation. beautiful. 
{can you see why our real estate agent was so unsure of our decision to buy?}
we threw the bathroom together literally the day before the wedding, in an attempt to not spend our first week of married life living with barclay's parents. it ended up like this:

which was fine. but this, in my humble opinion, is finer:


can you even believe how handy barclay is? 

on kind of a similar note, that note being makeovers and teal blue, i did a quick little blog makeover for the darling debbie of debbiecutieface this weekend. 

check it out by clicking on this here screen shot*, and say hi to debbie while you're at it. she's awesome:

and as per usual, click here to contact me for pricing and blog design details. 

* just so you know, i didn't draw the girl in the sidebar. it's a widget from another website that debbie uses.


erin e flynn said...

wow! amazing job on the bathroom! off to check out the blog design!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the shout out<3 You're the bee's knees.

sarahannnoel said...

Oh, oh my.

Your house is a magazine!!!

Sarah Rooftops said...

Ooh, lovely! Good job!

Unknown said...

I do like the AFTER. Actually, I love it. The pop of teal is great. There's just something about teal that makes me happy. Enjoy the change!

Anonymous said...

wow, what a difference! i think it's important to realize that people have a lot of power to make where they are the place they want to be.

Brandi said...

I'm all about change, in fact it is all I have been thinking about. Remodeling is out since I rent...perhaps I'll settle with buying new towels.

larisaa said...

Your bathroom is AMAZING! What a difference! Ours is pink and green and it looks like grandma threw up in there. It's nĂºmero uno on our list of "needs immediate attention." but I'm loving the changes! Great Jon you, two!

Suzy Marie said...

Wow! What a transformation! And Barclay did all of that? How amazing he is. I love love love the wall thing where all the shampoos and things just fit inside it. For an organisation freak like me that is marvellous. And bed-head... smells DELICIOUS :)

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry for yelling that at you, but I get a little excited sometimes and your new bathroom is just amazing!

Caitlin said...

Wow! That looks so amazing! I am in awe. Not sure I could ever do that on my own, haha!

callie said...

Oooo wow that bathroom is fancy. The bathroom in my apartment is sooo awkward. It's so small that you practically have to step out of the bathroom to get out of the shower. Also if you are too fat it is impossible for you to sit on my toilet, so I'm glad I have skinny friends.

Unknown said...

I love your new bathroom...love the mosaic tiles especially.

Love the colour of your towels too--I think we need some new towels and maybe its time for some colour instead of cream.

Kara said...

uhmmmmmmmmmmm this is AMAZING! you should seriously send the before and after pictures to your old agent... i bet they wouldn't even believe it! go barclay!

xx, kara

Suzy Krause said...

whoa, thanks everybody!

brandi: yep, sometimes you can't make huge changes. but there's always something. maybe even some sweet artwork and a cool bathmat? :)

larissa: oi, i know the feeling of needing to update the lou {obviously}. but it is a HUUUUGE project and takes so long to get around to. i sympathize.

caitlin: ME NEITHER.

suzy: yes he did--crazy hey? he's just learning to do tile for his job and wanted to practise. of course i'm going to let him use our bathroom...

crystal: you can yell at me any time.

michal! that was our problem too! we had to get some smaller stuff in there and change the way the door swung and stuff so that we could actually be comfortable in the bathroom.

lottie: me too. :) we actually already had the towels and kind of picked the colour around them...

kara: i know...i'm thinking we should just invite her over for a bbq. :)

Kiersten said...

It's beautiful! I love the tiled shelves. Barclay is truly a handyman. He should come do mine. ;) haha

nova said...

oh la la, very nice! :)

Jen Glen said...

Holy Tikoledo!!!! Are you serious?!?! At first I thought it was a picture from a magazine! I was going to ask you on Weds how the renos went/were going and I totally forgot! Amazing job, Barclay! He can TOTALLY come do ours. A little winter work perhaps? (If only we had the cash.)

Holly Knitlightly said...

I love it!!! You guys did an amazing job. The tiles are soo perfect!