Monday, January 09, 2012

{paris on my piano}

being a grown-up is the best.


when you're a kid, you like stickers. you would stick them on everything...if your mom would let you.

and she wouldn't. bummer.

i don't think people ever really grow out of stickers; i think they just get used to being told that stickers are for sticker books and paper only and then they kind of forget about them.

that's how it is.

the other day, i remembered stickers--because i found a giant one behind my piano that i'd bought last fall for a friend at the dollar store and then forgot about. i stared intently at it for a good long while, trying to decide where to stick it.

then it dawned on me: I'M ALL GROWN UP. I CAN STICK THIS ANYWHERE.

so my piano got her first tattoo. and you know what they say about how when you get one you just want more...
i'm planning, like, a full sleeve. and maybe some sweet leg ones too.


nova said...

That looks cool! :)

erin e flynn said...

awesome! i haven't really had sticker sin AGES, but i remember getting in so much trouble for sticking them on everything!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS! Super cute Suzster :)

Unknown said...

I just love those stickers. You honestly CAN put them ANYWHERE. And I find that just great.

Sarah Rooftops said...

Awesome. I used to have stickers all over the back of my furniture, where nobody else could see them.

Alivia said...

I love those moments when you remember your adulthood. They're the best.

Anonymous said...

that looks insane. As in insanely cool.

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

This is crazy awesome! I might have to go sticker shopping. Haha!

Magical Daydream said...

Whaha love this post. My grandfather has an entire door full of fruit stickers in his house :D There is something about being able to do stuff that you weren't allowed to as a kid that is awesome. Like drawing on the wall; I do that in my room now and made big paintings all over my friends house a while ago. Being grown up rocks!

Emily said...

I looooove this!

Unknown said...

That looks amazing! I loved stickers as a kid and an album and everything because like you I wasn't allowed to put them anywhere although sometimes we were allowed to put them on random stuff like the upstairs phone--which looking back now seems random and weird but at the time so cool.

sarahannnoel said...

Thinking of all the places in my house where stickers could maybe go now!

Caitlin said...

Love it! I kind of wish we had a piano :)

Mama Milly said...

I have to tell you some day about all the things my kids say they are going to do when they are adults, that they think we do - it involves a lot of drinking pop out of the bottle and ice cream for supper kind of stuff!