Wednesday, March 07, 2012

{but some oranges are really dinosaur eggs}

i just feel blessed that i was able to capture this moment on camera.

4nWECS on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
make animated gifs like this at MakeAGif


kalie brynn. said...

ah, the rare citrusaurus.

Unknown said...

This is beyond fabulous.. and true.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha you're great

Matt Fischbacher said...

0_0 I can never look at oranges the same way again.
*Knocks on an orange..
*Knocks on another orange...
*Knocks.. etc.

Rory and Sadie said...

That is so funny! Thanks for sharing the link. I am going to try myself.

Sadie x

Unknown said...

That is amazing! Wish I was as good with technology.

Anonymous said...

how did you make that?

Jessica said...

too cool for school!

Jessie Thetford said...


Alice said...

You're just awesome.

Meg said...

hahaha!! i always suspected that was probably the case. ;)

Suzy Krause said...

indeed. off to stalk his prey...

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha well thanks. the truth is often beyond fabulous.

Suzy Krause said...

no you. :)

Suzy Krause said...

oh my goodness i can picture you saying this in real life and it cracked me up. i miss you guys. sigh.

Suzy Krause said...

do itttt...hatch a baby dino...

Suzy Krause said...

oh man, all you need is a camera. and you have quite a fancy one! so. you're good to go!

Suzy Krause said...

oh, it's just silly stop-action photos and a gif maker {which you can find by googling "make gifs"}.
try it out, it's fun!

Suzy Krause said...

dinosaurs are MUCH too cool for school.

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha--can you see the reflection of my arm in the one picture? photography fail...

Suzy Krause said...

you're just awesomer.

Suzy Krause said...

then you are smarter than most.

Caitlin said...

Ha! Excellent.

Alycia said...

how cute!!

ktpland said...

Not sure I'll ever eat an orange again! Don't want little dinosaurs running around in my tummy! :-S

ktpland said...

Not sure I'll ever eat an orange again! Don't want little dinosaurs running around in my tummy! :-S

Suzy Krause said...

yis, i love orange dinos.

Suzy Krause said...


Suzy Krause said...