Tuesday, March 06, 2012

{ye olde diy}

on wednesday or thursday, my eyes stopped working.

i woke up with a pounding headache, the vice-grip sledgehammer angry housewife frying pan to the side of the head kind of headache, the kind that you get when you've been somewhere especially loud for especially long, painting everything including your face with five or six coats of gasoline straight out of the pump.

that kind of headache.

consequently, every time i exposed my eyeballs to any kind of light at all they blurred and bent the picture beyond recognition and then produced oceanous amounts of salty tears.

consequently {again}, i spent most of the day flat on my back in the darkened living room, listening quietly to jian ghomeshi podcasts and my new hey ocean cd.

the day passed quickly and slowly and loudly and quietly and eventually barclay came home from work. he made me soup and then disappeared into his work room for three hours while i napped on the couch.

at roughly 11 pm, he emerged from the basement. he bent down and kissed my forehead, whispered, "suzy, wake up. i want to show you something."

i smiled and pushed the hair out of my eyes. i squinted into the dimly lit room where he stood, grinning proudly, behind his...

i squinted some more. "what is that?"

"it's a medieval trebuchet. and don't worry, i'm not throwing anything too heavy so it won't hurt you if it hits you in the face."

of course.

so we spent the rest of the evening flinging bottle caps and money around the house, adding and subtracting weight, and calculating and reconstructing. or you know, barclay did while i watched and flinched and ducked.

the moral of the story is that "diy" can be more than buttons and sewing and wall art. you can make medieval weaponry, and that's funner and more useful anyway.


larisaa said...

Hahah boys.

Caitlin said...

Way, way, way funner.

Mrs. Wilson said...

Oh, how FUN! The trebuchet, not the headache, which sounded quite like a migraine. :( I'm glad you could have a bright spot in your day. :)

Meg said...

some of my most favorite blog posts are those that show how uniquely awesome being part of a couple is. this is one of those posts! :)

Sarah Rooftops said...

Awesome! My friend Alistair (him: http://pointlessephemera.wordpress.com/) has a trebuchet, too - I'm quite jealous. It would make playing with the cats so much less effort.

erin e flynn said...

that is too fun! love it!

sarahannnoel said...

WOW you guys are cool!

kalie brynn. said...

so, i know that i am not in any way acquainted with barclay, and really only limitly acquainted with yourself, but, i think...i think i can say...that you two are amongst my favorite married people. and i know some REALLY wonderful married people, so...

i love the part where you say he disappeared for three hours. without a word. little did you know what was happening behind that closed door. that is just fantastic, and so funny to me!

oh, and i'm sorry you were feeling so terrible :[ i hope you became better real quick-like!

Unknown said...

How awful to have a headache--glad you are feeling better now. And that is an amazing DIY--I want an evening of that fun :)

Brandi said...

HA! That is awesome.. the medieval weaponry not the pounding headache.

Anonymous said...

Haha...at least he didn't build a full-sized version in your backyard like the Ruten boys did :)

Suzy Krause said...

for real.

Suzy Krause said...

indeed. can a diy headband launch stuff? no.

Suzy Krause said...

i think it might have been a migraine. i don't normally get those, so it was puzzling. i hope it never comes back!

Suzy Krause said...

aw thanks meg! :D

Suzy Krause said...

hahahahaha aw i wish i had a cat right now.

Suzy Krause said...

you should get one! we could launch letters to each other.

Suzy Krause said...

don't i know it...

Suzy Krause said...

oh garsh. what a sweet compliment! :) you're so fantastic.

{ps: i feel much, much better this week. thanks!}

Suzy Krause said...

well start bugging your man for a trebuchet night! :)

Suzy Krause said...


Suzy Krause said...

hahaha don't speak too soon crystal...i think a full-sized version is next on his mental list...

nova said...

Cool! That's like, physics and stuff.

Suzy Krause said...

yis, because we're physicists. didn't you know that i was a physicist? i've been to the moon like 10 times.

Caitlin said...

Nor can a bunting.