Friday, March 16, 2012

{crayons and babies}

i'm having a quiet, yet colourful, couple of days. sitting in the sunlight working away on a baby shower for this girl. i wish i could invite you all over to sit with me while i peel crayons and email invites and arrange arrangements and brainstorm ideas...but i can't because it looks like i ate the craft section of walmart and threw up all over our house. i don't want you to see it like this.
so have a sip of coffee in my honour and email me good party links if you have any. this baby's not going to know what hit her.

wait...that might not be a very good thing to say about a baby.


Kiersten said...

looks FUN! And if you need any help with anything, CALL ME. You were my shower side kick - I'll be yours! ;)

Alycia said...

haha! are you going to melt them or something? looks fun.

Sarah Rooftops said...

I love the pictures but... WHY are you peeling crayons?!

Caitlin said...

I am extremely excited to see the outcome of this project.

Suzy Krause said...

sweet! deal. :D

Suzy Krause said...

it's a wee bit of a surprise... :) {just in case karlie reads my blog}. i'll post pictures later though...

Suzy Krause said...


Suzy Krause said...

ME TOO. i hope it works out.

Holly Knitlightly said...

bahaha. I wish I could come over & help! I love crafts! Can't wait to see what you're making!

Unknown said...

Crayons remind me of my childhood so much--can't wait to see how it all turns out :)

Tiffany Kadani said...

Well, now I just want to know what the heck you are doing with all those crayons. Looks like a fun project!

Suzy Krause said...

i wish you could too! i think we'd have a fantastic afternoon. :D

Suzy Krause said...

i know hey? the smell of them takes me all the way back.

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha, well i will definitely post the results {if they end up being postworthy...:)}