Tuesday, March 20, 2012

{i have something to say to starbucks}

i came across this just now:
can you find the spelling error?
{click on the picture for the answer, if it doesn't leap out at you right away.}

it makes sense, actually. whenever i go to starbucks, i always get some college-aged barista who snaps her gum while she's taking my order, looking annoyed that i'm there at all, rolling her eyes when i forget to specify "tall" or "grande". in fact, the other day while i was waiting for my drink, the girls behind the counter were loudly lamenting all the "stupid" customers they have to deal with in a day. when i said a quick 'thanks' for my drink, i only got one of those looks that said, "beat it." and not in a catchy michael jackson way. 

i always sort of get the feeling that starbucks is that girl.
the one who grew up in a small town and was the hottest in her class for 12 years straight, so she's gotten used to not having to be nice to anyone because she has nice hair instead. 

well guess what, starbucks? when you graduate and go off to college, no one's going to know your name and there's going to be plenty of girls prettier than you, and you're going to realize that you should've been paying attention in english class instead of passing gossipy notes to all the other girls because you're going to spell "vegetables" wrong in front of a lot of people and they're all going to know that you're dumb and then you're going to have to learn how to be nice because you're going to get old and out of style and people are going to start going to locally-owned coffee shops instead. 



erin e flynn said...

hahahaha that's funny. Silly Starbucks. I get the impression that people who work at Starbucks sometimes think they're cool because they work there??? But it's actually worse at our little hipster coffee shops locally because there they act like you're crap if you're not wearing the right thing or look too mainstream or something. So I just make coffee at home.

Anonymous said...

hahaha Suzy you are hilarious. "Beat it" in a non-Michael Jackson way...genius.

and that's kind of how I felt about half the girls in my high school ;)

Chanda said...

That's so embarrassing! I never understand how this kind of thing happens... I mean, the amount of hands this project passed through and not a single person caught that? OR Maybe Starbucks is attempting to reach a broader audience with their new tongue in cheek posters.

Sarah Rooftops said...


On the other hand, I always love when I find somebody else who is annoyed by these things. A workmate and I spent about an hour the other day debating whether or not to email the people behind Irn Bru to point out the error in, "There are no shepherd's in shepherds pie."

I mean, I make the occasional typo, but not in a multinational advertising campaign I don't! Why is nobody checking this stuff?

Okay, right, rant over. Enough, Sarah, enough.

stephanie clara said...

they are paid less than nothing and still have to work long long hours and have to put up with "we are one big family"-multinationaltalk and haven't had a day off since Easter 3 years ago.
Which is not an excuse, of course.

But really I wouldn't know, I've never seen a Starbucks in my life, I think.


Caitlin said...

Haaa I love your comparison. I hate Starbucks. I always get sick there from some sort of gluten contamination because none of the baristas usually give two shits. And this misspelling is just ridiculous.

Chrissy said...

so there.


Jessica said...

Um, that hot girl comparison was spot on! I often feel inadequate in that high school way in Starbucks. And I cannot even believe the ridiculousness of that spelling error! There was this coffee shop that I refused to go to for the longest time because they advertised their selection of "coffee and tea's" and I absolutely hate when apostrophes are just added to words willy nilly!

kalie brynn. said...

oh - oh, no. no no no.
starbucks, girlfriend - you gotta get your act together. vegatables? come on, honey.

sigh. suzy, you are spot on in your assessment. that is EXACTLY who starbucks is. nowadays i hang out with some pretty awesome local coffee shops, and we always laugh and talk about how much more delicious their coffee is. and we are happy.

Holly Knitlightly said...


that's a fancy looking starbucks! Spelling mistake & all.

I am intimidated at Starbucks sometimes. Mostly because I forget my glasses so I can't read the menu so I just order what I can remember & I stumble over my words and feel like an idiot. bah.

nova said...

Hahaha! Yup, pretty much. I feel like Starbucks is great for people who want to feel like they're not interacting with people, and they don't have to think about what they're ordering. And they can sound fancy.

For the record I spotted the typo right away, my eyes were made to spot misspellings.

Rory and Sadie said...

I noticed it straight away....and I am Dutch! But then again...I am not a gum snapping girl :)

The Magnificent Lou said...


MySpecialAgent said...

Ha! Oh, Starbucks... The town I live in is so small that we have no Starbucks. And the baristas at my favorite shop are all pretty nice.

40 Minus 100 said...

That's too funny!! In all fairness to the Starbucks Snobs, however, it's possible that they're just so overcome by jealousy when they see your beautiful face that they can't help themselves. :)

Suzy Krause said...

oh man, i know what you mean about the hipster coffee shops. you really have to look out for those too. sigh. i have a couple that i pretty much just stick with, and i still go to starbucks, because one of my favourite things is going out for coffee. i just wish everyone would chill out and be nice to each other! or at least to me. haha. :)

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha, oh man, every high school has them hey? it is comforting to grow up and find out that looks actually aren't everything. WHAT A RELIEF.

Suzy Krause said...

FOR REAL. how many people didn't notice? HOW DO YOU NOT NOTICE. i think you need at least one persnickety hardcore english nerd on every advertising campaign.

Suzy Krause said...

hahahaha you totally should email them. that's horrible. i think i hate apostrophe errors even more than spelling ones...

Suzy Krause said...

{ps: i had my first irn bru ever when i was over there in november. quite like it. and i LOVED the snowman irn bru commercial.}

Suzy Krause said...

hahahaha i can't quite tell if you're being sarcastic or not. and totally, i've had friends who worked there who haaaaaated it. but they quit and went to work somewhere else. and when they did work there, they were polite to the customers, and smiled, because whether you're paid a lot for that or not, that is still part of what you're being paid for! :)

Suzy Krause said...

really? that's horrible. maybe if they had celiac or whatever they'd actually put an effort in. pfffft.

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha AMEN.

Suzy Krause said...

ME TOO. apostrophe errors are even worse than grammatical or spelling ones. tea's what? possessive!!!

Suzy Krause said...

hahha, PLUS, with the local coffee shops, you can be a regular, and they know what you want when you come in. and they SMILE at you.

Suzy Krause said...

i'm so intimidated there. i still go, but everyone there is so scary. there's this one barista who i say hi to every single time and smile at every single time and she just frowns at me and looks away every single time. i'm going to keep trying, because i like a challenge, but REALLY.

Suzy Krause said...

mine too. which makes me really sad when i make spelling mistakes in my blog posts or wherever. sigh. why is it so easy to spot other people's spelling mistakes and so hard to spot my own??

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha, you should write in to them and say that. "i'm not even from there and i saw this mistake. who's responsible for this??"

Suzy Krause said...


Suzy Krause said...

that's sweet. that's how it was back in the olden days...

Suzy Krause said...

oh garsh. you're sweet. :)
but it doesn't feel like jealousy, it feels like I HATE YOU FOR NO GOOD REASON. you know?

Unknown said...

Awesome. And true. And the primary reason that I don't go there.

stephanie clara said...

:) no, no sarcasm. I live in the North of France and I just googled it now, the closest one is at about 80-90km from here.

Suzy Krause said...

ohhhh---haha, i totally thought you were a bitter starbucks employee yourself for a second there! that's crazy, i don't think i've ever met someone who'd never been to starbucks!!

Jen Glen said...

That is really quite depressing actually - for two reasons: 1). Now not even computers are catching spelling mistakes (they are only as smart as the people who program them) and 2). I pride myself on my spelling and catching mistakes....and I totally missed that one. :(

Suzy Krause said...

sigh. i still go there. but only if i'm in a great mood that can't be brought down by a mean barista. and never on "frump" days.

Suzy Krause said...

i know hey??? depressing on every level. sigh.

Suzy Marie said...

I'm glad to say that I spotted the spelling mistake straight away and I, like others, am incredulous about how these kind of things are allowed to happen. On such a HUGE poster as well!
I can totally sympathise with how annoying it is that these type of people act this way, and it's not just Starbucks specific, it's everywhere. But I suppose we've just got to accept that these people are getting paid minimum wage and they really don't give a shit. However, there are exceptions - I used to be a Starbucks employee and I was always lovely to my customers. I simply couldn't give bad customer service if I tried I don't think! And I DEFINITELY wasn't the hot girl in school haha so none of that attitude from me :) I would say that all customers aren't as sweet as you though Ms Suzy, and sometimes the Starbucks snobs are absolutely dreadful to have to serve! Not that that's an excuse, but you know...I can sympathise with hating the job haha. x

Suzy Krause said...

i wish you worked at MY starbucks!!! i would come in every day and we'd smile at each other and be really nice to each other and it would be so sweet and cute and lovey.

Suzy Marie said...

Aww I would totally love that! I actually have a friend now, who is a friend for that very reason haha, so it definitely happens! x

Suzy Krause said...

move here!!!

Amber said...

I adore this post!!! You are so funny and this is so spot on! <3

Suzy Krause said...

aw thanks amber. :D

Suzy Marie said...

Ok! I'm on my way! (I wish!)