Wednesday, June 06, 2012

{writing for the fun of it}

i've been bad at blogging the last couple of weeks. not for any reason. 

i don't feel indebted to anyone to write every day, and my existence online is more of a whisper than a scream, so i don't feel like my voice has been missed, but i have missed this space. i'm one of those people who can't travel alone, or go to shows or restaurants alone, largely because if i don't have someone to share an experience with, it's as if it didn't even happen. i need to put details down and post even the crappiest of cell phone pictures because if i don't, my brain stamps the memories INVALID. bold red ink. 

anyways, this morning i woke up and felt as though i haven't existed for a couple of weeks. is that weird? i miss existing. i miss pointless stories and teeny tiny details and writing and deleting and posting whatever i feel like whenever i feel like and not worrying about what people will think of it. i remember when i first started blogging in 2008, and every post was really lame and mostly about how much i hated my job. but it was for me and now it's like a scrapbook and hopefully a beacon of light and hope to anyone who's ever had to work at staples. you know? 

so i started reading from the beginning of my old blog this morning, just to get back in the mindset of "writing for the fun of it", and found some memories that i'm glad i wrote down, even if i'm mortified about the way i acted or would write them differently now--living in a new city with old friends and strange encounters with scary strangers and being the worst employee ever. i mean, yeah, i'd totally rather remember myself as awesome and lovely and funny, but the real me is the me that was, and i'm ok with her. 

though. i'm glad she's not quite as ditzy and snarky as she used to be. 

some old posts, for nostalgia's sake? 


Sarah Rooftops said...

I had a blog just like that but about Blockbuster... Though I kind of feel sorry for kids who don't get to work in video shops and feel superior to people who rent The Nutty Professor; kids these days, they're missing out.

Also, yes, sharing makes things more valid. *nods*

larisaa said...

I seriously love this a whole ton. Like, those pictures crack me up. Your hatred of your job. Especially the one about you setting that price for that $4 pencil sharpener! I HAVE NO PATIENCE FOR SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHAT A PENCIL SHARPENER DOES. Your humor is so great. I wish I could go back in time and go through your cashier line and experience it myself. <333

Chantelle said...

"I met an eggplant yesterday." Ahh. The cuteness of YOU! :) I'm awfully glad you blog.

MySpecialAgent said...

I liked your snark. Working in retail will do that to you. I always felt that some little piece of my brain died when I'd go to work. I knew I had to quit before I forgot math or the way music sounded or something...

Jen Glen said...

Ah, retail. I SOOOOOO don't miss it, not one bit. And being a cashier probably is one of the hardest jobs in the world for having to deal with angry, annoyed customers. My fav was when I would go home from an evening shift and then dream about my job all night long...usually dreams of me not being able to ring things through fast enough, or the till not working, and then getting up and working first thing in the morning. It was like I never left. Awesome.

Caitlin said...

I loved all these old posts! And I feel you on writing to enjoy it...I look at my old live journal and love seeing the difference between that blog and my current one. Also, your hair! You are so gorgeous.

Liz said...

WOW. You really hated that place! Hilarious posts, by the way. If you hate something.. make fun of it. It helps.

callie said...

hahahaha man you're funny. reading these made my day happier.

Brenda C. Boylan said...

So funny! Love these stories and I can relate to those awful cashier moments. Working at a mall in a clothing store during Christmas-time is the new definition of hell on earth.

Suzy Krause said...

hahahaha i love that. i wish i'd found your blog back then and we could've been box-store-hatin-buddies!

Suzy Krause said...

i wish you could too! at least you'd be a sane person. there was always some crazy person doing some completely stupid thing, and i'd always come home from work ranting and raving...good times. {not}

Suzy Krause said...

oh garsh. :) thanks chantelle!

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha it's so true!! retail...the death of all things lovely.

ps: your little bunny avatar is so cute! i tried to go look at your new blog, but it won't let me in!

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha so true. ugh. why is it that cashiers get the brunt of the anger, when they aren't the ones stocking, pricing, helping in the aisles, or anything other than checking people out?? that wasn't priced right? NOT MY FAULT.

Suzy Krause said...

:) thanks.
also, my hair. isn't it sad--it used to be so curly, and then i got sick a couple years ago and now it's completely STRAIGHT. not a curl in the world. i miss it. :(

Suzy Krause said...

i did! i did so much!
and i very much agree. snark is healing.

Suzy Krause said...

aw, thanks michal. :D

Suzy Krause said...

oh my goodness, don't even get me STARTED on Christmas-time mall work... i worked at a fine jewelry store in the mall for a while, and Christmas & valentine's days... YIKES. never ever ever ever ever again.

Mrs. Wilson said...

I just went through my oldest archives recently, too. Oh, how things change. :)

Suzy Krause said...

isn't it crazy? and in such a teeny tiny amount of time...

Nova said...

I quite enjoyed that! :)

Suzy Krause said...

haha good.