Wednesday, November 28, 2012

{mashed music}

When I left high school, I was like, "YES! NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL!" But then I realized that I'm still in high school. Only now it's called The Internet.

There are cliques and sports and music lovers and dramas and people falling in love and people falling out of love and gossip and socializing and a little learning and kids hanging out behind the dumpster, spreading rumours about the popular people. Eternal high school. Get Psyched.

But the cool part of high school--and the internet--is that sometimes you venture down a different hallway and you maybe peek into, like, the photo lab or the chem lab or someplace like that, and discover a little group of people doing their own thing. Like, last night Barclay and I discovered the part of the internet where people sit on Youtube and make mashups of songs already on Youtube. They're just sitting there in their nerdy little circle of friends being like, "I wonder what would happen if I put Van Halen with Abba?" And then they do it and it's sweet. There's nothing original about their creations, but it's kind of cool anyway. I appreciate it.

Some of our favourites: {If you know of any good ones, leave them in the comments for me to watch. I love mashups.}


MarĂ­a said...

I used to listen to this mash dj on Youtube, but I can't recall what his username was. However, his mashes were amazing, he was able to mix very different songs and make them sound perfectly in tune with each other.


Suzy Krause said...

if you remember, let me know!!! :)

Caitlin said...

Haha! I love the high school metaphor throughout this post. You're so right, by the way. If it isn't in the internet, high school can always be found at work, in groups of friends, on dates, etc. It never truly ends.

Suzy Krause said...

haha. we

Sarah Rooftops said...

Yes, I love this metaphor, too. But my workplace feels even more high schooly than high school every did.

Anonymous said...

Omg,I loved reading this post and all of the videos were so funny! Thanks for making my night.

seacreatures said...

whenever i read your blog i get really excited and feel like OMG I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT I THINK THIS ALL THE TIME and then i'm like
calm down girl
use your words.
but i really love the high school metaphor too. it so unbelievably true. what i always think about are the unwritten rules of facebooking- like its weird to like things by certain people/comment on them. i never follow any rules now, but its funny how cliques still exist even in cyber space.

Suzy Krause said...

aw thanks, amber!! :)

Suzy Krause said...

hahah i feel the same about your blog. :) love the blogosphere...
also: i agree about the unwritten rules of facebooking. people are so weird!