Barclay got me a bunch of sweet coloured gel pens for Christmas.
I have not had coloured gel pens since grade 8. I hadn't thought of them since then. They don't sell them at my local pretentious art supply store.
I think adults think of art and art supplies much too seriously sometimes. You go down to the art supply store and the lady asks how long you've been into such and such and you stammer about how you're not "into it", yet, but you'd like to be and what would she recommend and she tells you how
she's been into it for thirty years and you need to take a class to really understand it and here are some brushes and papers and miscellaneous tools that will cost you exactly three arms and a leg to pay for. And then you spend all that money and try it out and discover you can't make anything look the way it's supposed to. Rats.

The way I see it, you
can look at art like that. You can take the classes and be the professional and be really respected when you go into your local pretentious art supply store to pick up new paints. You'll probably learn a lot and be really good at stuff I'd never even thought of before. That's solid.

Or you can play. Like, for fun. You don't have to be serious or naturally artistically inclined or even
good. At all. You can buy stuff you've never used before simply because it's on sale at Michael's and you can put on a record or a TV show and visit with a friend while you throw paint at paper and doodle all over it with gel pens.

Both are valid and good and right. And even if it turns out looking dodgy, at least you've enjoyed yourself and stretched some creative muscles.
That's the way I look at art. I'll never be an Artist. But I will always enjoy playing.

{PS: As per usual, I put these as iPhone cases and small prints in the soc6 shop.
Free shipping till the 13th!}
that looks so fun!
i can't remember the last time i draw something. well, considering i barely can draw, that's why that don't happen often.
Agree. I hate things when I'm trying to make them look a certain way, but I love playing around and just freely making stuff. When there's no pressure it's much more fun. It's kind of like what you said about photography the other day too, which I agree with. We're not photographers or artists, we just like to try things and make cool stuff sometimes.
These are awesome! I love them. You are definitely an artist!
I love love love love your doodles. So much.
haha, well try try again? :)
hahaha, i must be on an anti-professionalism kick around here without noticing it?
ohh garsh. thank you!!
aw, thanks debbie. :) you're sweet.
ooo these are so, so, so cool! i love how it looks like designs are coming out of random splashes of colored water. and ugh, i hate stores like that. i don't understand pretentious people- yes, you know your craft well, great. that's actually how i always feel like going into topshop haha. everyone that works there is super stylish, and you almost feel guilty touching the clothes when you're not dressed to the nines :/
These bright colours brightened my dull day.
Cheers, Suzy.
GEL PENS??!!?!?! holy moly i used to collect these and hoard them like they were gold haha!
p.s. - these doodles are super cute and you're very talented! the one in the middle of that last picture..... i think that would make such a cool valentines day card. i dunno, i just really like it!
xx, kara
thank you, marlen!
and i agree--clothing stores are THE WORST. THE WORST.
i always feel inferior and awkward.
aw! what a nice thing to say. :) cheers back!
I DID TOO. especially the glitter ones...
{and thank you!! hmm...valentine's day cards... i gotta get on that!!}
I just love this. And it makes me want to try and have fun with art, because I've always been that person who assumed I had to be knowledgable and official for the art supply store.
do it! i used to be that person and then i was like, "no! it's fun! i want in on this!!" :)
i am in fucking love with this post.
just everything about it.
I wish my doodles looked as wonderful as yours.
oh psh, they probably do.
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