I think too many times, I've seen a place I wanted to get to and just assumed that, by simply wanting to get there, I'd be there. Soon. Eventually. Next week. And then I get confused when I realize another year has gone by and I don't even remember where I was going.
So last night, Barclay and I decided to take a pen and a notebook and a table at a coffee shop and write out some goals and aims and thoughts for 2013. We've never been big on new year's resolutions and all that, but this year we were talking about life and intentionally living it and decided that, much like grocery shopping or travelling or baking, if you want to remember to get/do/educe certain things, you should write them down.
We arrived at the coffee shop and ordered some drinks, but got distracted on the way to our table by a bookshelf with clearance stickers all over it. The complete collection of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes was there, all of it, for twelve dollars. We abandoned our mission, bought the book, and went home, where Barclay read aloud to me until I fell asleep.
You see? This is exactly my problem.
I'm distracted from things that need to be done by the things that are much more easy and fun.
{That rhymed, so you should probably get it tattooed on your forearm in a swirling script.}
The moral of the story is probably something about reflection and intentionality. Sigh.
Exactly! I have not been focused this new year...like, at all. Way too many shiny things to attract my attention! ;)
Love the photo!!!
Even if you didn't go through with it I love the idea of creating goals together. :)
"I'm distracted from things that need to be done by the things that are much more easy and fun.
{That rhymed, so you should probably get it tattooed on your forearm in a swirling script.}"
I'm going to visit my tattoo artist tonight and will request that she put this on my body immediately!
You chose living in the moment and spontaneity over making plans. You know what John Lennon would say about that... :)
haha, well there's till time! :D
{and thanks! it's from my la sardina. i love how you don't have to edit film because it just looks sweet as is...}
haha, me too--sigh! hopefully we DO go through with it!
hahaha i guess? this is why i blog, so that people will put a positive spin on my shortcomings. :D
Ha! Our goal conversations usually go, "Oh... I don't know...", "Well... I don't know either...", "You making the tea?", "It's your turn."
Some would say (me included) you chose the better path. This story reminds me of the stories I have hear about teachers telling their students to "put down those books, stop reading, and learn"! Thankfully I rarely listened to my teachers : )
I think this happens to everyone. But now you will have the memory of that time you went to the shop and he romantically read to you until you fell asleep. Life is long and it's important and wonderful to have goals and make lists of the things you hope to accomplish...but it's equally, in my view, important to live in the moment. These little things that happen are what make a life and what make a memory. You'll get around to that list - at least you're thinking about it. :)
toooootally. haha, i just seem to have too easy of a time living in the moment! :D but you're right. the memories from it are lovely. {thanks for popping by! having you comment is like seeing a celebrity! haha}
haha, totally true--though spontaneity and living in the moment have never been something i've struggled with. i'm trying to learn to be a taaaaaad more intentional!
fantastic. :D
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