Thursday, February 07, 2013

{dare you to move}

I'm listening to CDs today. Isn't that so incredibly old school of me? I feel good about it. I have this old black CD binder full of music from grades 7-12, so it's quite a mix. Embarrassing, largely, but not entirely. I'm enjoying some Aaron Weiss and Cake and Jimmy Eat World. I'm remembering road trips and friends I haven't seen in ages and ridiculous, excessive, and unnecessary drama with those friends. It was like reality TV without the TV. You know: reality. Do they still have that?

Anyway. On one of my mix CDs, I came across the song that was supposed to be my class's grad song {SOMEONE switched the track at the last possible second and we walked out to Thank You For Being a Friend instead, which pretty much killed me}. The song was supposed to be Dare You to Move by Switchfoot.

It doesn't matter now, because graduation is overly hyped and no one remembers anything about it except the parts that were disappointing anyway. But it matters a little bit because of how much I hated that other song.

So, just in case you were wondering what I'm up to this afternoon until my piano students get here, I'm painting and singing along to this at the top of my lungs. And the windows are open and my neighbors hate me. Cheers, neighbors! Dare you to move.

Haha. Pun.
I Dare You to Move by Switchfuut on Grooveshark


MySpecialAgent said...

So, you graduated to the Golden Girls theme song? Oy...
Our song was Sarah Mclachlan "I Will Remember You" and girls cried and hugged and said "I'm going to miss you SO much" and now they all have houses in the same neighborhood.

Unknown said...

Bahahhahaa. Cheers Neighbors. Dare you to move. LOVE IT.

Debie Grace said...

Aww! I love listening to songs I used to love before. Surprisingly, I still love most of them! I lost my mix CDs :( but whenever I'm not doing anything in the internet, I always listen to those songs. I miss the old times! :)

Suzy Krause said...

yes. the golden girls theme song. :(
and oh my goodness. yes. all this crying at grad.

Suzy Krause said...


Suzy Krause said...

music can be so nostalgic eh?

Jen Wilson said...

A certain Switchfoot song completely changed my life. The one that goes, "This is your life, are you who you want to be?" I was living in Grande Prairie with my boyfriend (and daughter) when I heard that song on the radio and, well, applied to Bible school, broke up with my boyfriend, moved back in with my parents for a few months, started dating a pastor's kid, went to Bible school, and got engaged and then married to said pastor's kid.

Music is powerful.

(And I know I remember the song we walked down the aisles to at graduation, I just can't remember it at the moment ...)(and I was eight months pregnant when I graduated, so it's quite memorable for me.) ;)

Unknown said...

i lovelistening to cds and will still buy them over downloading music because i don't know i like to have it in my hand--does that make sense?

Nova said...

My high school binder of CDs is full of REALLY bad '90s "metal" ... *cough* KORN *cough* Coal Chamber *cough*

Anonymous said...

I remember that grad. I was there as a date. We had to walk around in a circle and I thought that was weird haha.

- Erika

Alivia said...

You are my favorite.

Jen Glen said...

I guess I'm old school b/c I still listen to my CD's, all the time...and they're not old b/c I still BUY CD's. Yep, that's right, I'm a technology old schooler!

Suzy Krause said...

whoa. i knew bits of that story, but not the bit about the song. that's cool. i like that song... :)

Suzy Krause said...

totally makes sense. i would too if downloading wasn't so much cheaper...
sigh. :)

Suzy Krause said...

hahahhaha oh the 90s. i'd completely forgotten about korn until last night actually, and barclay was watching some sort of documentary or something and they were in it. it was like seeing something from another life. i was like, "OH YEAH THEM!" strange.

Suzy Krause said...

the circle. i still don't get it. i don't get grad, in general. i didn't want to go. ohhhhh well. it's over now. thank goodness.

and i do remember you being there. were you at jeremy's party after?

Suzy Krause said...

oh garsh!!!!

Suzy Krause said...

hahaha i would too. but they're so much more expensive than itunes!

Anonymous said...

no, grad was the same night in Shaunavon and I felt guilty for missing it since Tara was graduating, so I went to the party in Shaunavon. (I dont think that went over well with my date haha.. oh high school!)
But yes, grad is funny. I remember you there because you wore your hair long and straight and I thought that was cool because everyone usually curls their hair.

Suzy Krause said...

oh riiiiiiight! oh high school is right.
my mom probably had the most stressful night. she wanted curls. and jewelry. and shoes. and scholarships.
i had...none of the above. oops.

Lauren Sherritt said...

My graduation...didn't even have a theme song! Which is probably good, because now there are no ruined songs!

I have this exact Switchfoot number on a casette I recorded from the 'A Walk to Remember' soundtrack, and I still play it in my car (which doesn't have a cd player), and I still sing along at the top of my lungs! Dare you to move neighbours AND those stuck at traffic lights next to me!!

Suzy Krause said...

i love that your car has a tape deck still! last year my car broke down and i borrowed an old mini van from my father-in-law, and it had a tape deck too. i only listened to led zeppelin and petra cassettes for a couple months there and it was fantastic.

Lauren Sherritt said...

You really get to know a recording well when you can't skip songs! I'm going to be sad when my little car finally gives up and I have to play cds!